Good Table Manners Manners play an important part in making a favorable impression at the dinner table. Here are some general rules: Napkin (餐巾) use The meal begins when the host unfolds his or her napkin. This is your signal to do the same, so place your napkin on your lap. Unfold it completely if it is a small napkin, or in half, lengthwise (纵向地), if it is a large dinner napkin. If you need to leave the table during the meal, place your napkin on your chair as a signal to your server that you will be returning. Once the meal is over, place your napkin neatly on the table to the right of your dinner plate. Do not refold it. Use a napkin only for your mouth. Never use it for your nose, face or forehead. Use of utensils (餐具) A. your forehead B. your mouth C. your nose D. your face [简答题]登杆前应检查和做好哪些事项
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如果缺乏坚韧的意志,就不可能获取最后的成功。女排队员有很坚韧的意志,因此,她们一定能获取最后的成功。如果下述哪项为真,则上文推论可靠?
A. 女排队员坚韧的意志超出常人 B. 没有坚韧的意志,最后的成功只是海市蜃楼 C. 获取最后的成功的人都有坚韧的意志 D. 坚韧的意志是获取最后的成功的唯一要素 [单选题]LKJ中由()插件进行压力信号的处理工作。
A.模拟量输入/输出 B.数字量输入/输出 C.绝缘节数 D.字量输入 [判断题]与行车有关的标识一般应设于列车运行方向的右侧。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]营业部门对于已经接电用户在用电过程中办理的业务变更服务管理等工作称为( )。
A.营业管理 B.用电工作 C.杂项工作 D.事务工作 [单选题]退票不能在()的承运人或起销售代理人处办理。
A.出票地 B.航班始发地 C.航班中转地 D.终止旅行地 [多选题]投资建设项目的含义包括( )。
A."一次性事业"即一次性任务,表示项目的一次性特征 B.对一个投资建设项目范围的认定标准,是具有一个总体设计或初步设计 C.如国家进行建设项目统计时,对投资金额很小的项目也单独作为一个建设项目计算 D."经济上实行统一核算,行政上实行统一管理",表示项目是在一定的组织机构内进行,项目一般由一个组织或几个组织联合完成 E.投资建设项目是一种既有投资行为又有建设行为的项目,表现为其商业属性和工程技术属性,其目标是形成固定资产 [判断题]根据《国家电网有限公司电力建设安全工作规程第2部分:线路》(国家电网企管〔2020〕796号),起重臂不得跨越电力线进行作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]-A-001 4 1 3
因为钢丝绳在使用过程中受力状态非常复杂,所以给定的安全系数值一般都很大。 [T/] A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]消防规划的重要意义是什么?
[单项选择]Like many high school heads, Mike Warbel had a plan ready when the bad news came. It proved useful, yet (67) made him feel any better after two student lovers (68) suicide. A sadly high number of people of his same (69) face similar difficulties About 2,000 high-school students kill themselves each year.
After accidents and murders, suicide is another (70) cause of death for high-school students. According to a (71) calculation, one out of every five high-school students has thought seriously about attempting (72) , and one in 14 has made an actual (73) . Faced with this (74) , teachers and people who are in (75) of the schools are struggling to find good ways to prevent suicide and (76) with its bad effects. Many schools lack fun-time workers (77) to deal with mental illness, and experts (78) completely different advice about suicide prevention methods. (79) < A. profession B. level C. interest D. position [填空题]履行()是每个从业人员义不容辞的责任,对其忽视和逃避都是违反职业道德的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]给定资料中反映了关于我国“空巢老人”的诸多问题,请对这些问题提出相应的解决对策。
要求:问题明确;措施得当,具有针对性;分条作答;不超过300字。 [判断题]( )目前,登高平台消防车的最大作业高度一般为~米,梯架节数一般为~节,以套叠的形式套叠在一起,由钢丝绳组合滑轮机构的形式进行驱动,沿弹性滑块和滚轮进行伸缩运动。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交