Another example of the exercise of
power by Congress was the action it took during the Reconstruction Period after
the Civil War. It has already been noted that President Johnson favored a
lenient policy toward the South and attempted to carry out Lincoln’s "10 percent
plan". He pardoned most of the Southern leaders and permitted them to restore
their state governments. They were permitted to elect Senators and
Representatives. Congress, however, led by the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens, had other ideas about the handing of the defeated Confederacy. Congress favored punitive policies. The South should be treated as conquered territory, and its readmission should be handled by Congress rather than the President. Congress opposed the "Johnson Governments" and the "Black Codes" passed by Southern states which virtually restored former slaves to thei A. The Impeachment of President Johnson B. The Reconstruction Period C. Conflict between President Johnson and Congress D. A Lenient President [判断题]直流电动机从电动运行转变为发电制动运行,相应的变流器由整流转换成逆变,这一过程是不能在同一组桥内实现的。
[单选题]将移动发电机抬到操作区,竖起升降杆,利用手动气泵提供的管道压缩空气将升降杆及照明灯升起,最大升起高度为( )m。
A.3 B.4.5 C.6 D.7.5 [单选题]以下不属于具体或微观环境的是_。
A.顾客 B.竞争者 C.管制机构 D. 技术环境 [单项选择]统计行政诉讼是()对统计行政案件依法进行审理并做出裁决的话动。
A. 统计部门 B. 人民法院 C. 法制部门 D. 监察部门 [单选题]乙醇拭浴时,热水袋放置足底的作用是
A.预防发生心律不齐 B.促进散热 C.防止病人虚脱 D.保暖 E.防止体温骤降 [单选题] 按 TSG Z0004-2007《特种设备制造安装改造维修质量保证体系基本要求》的规定, 每年至少进行( ) 完整的内部审核, 对质量改进与服务审核发现的问题分析原因、采取 纠正措施并跟踪验证其有效性。
A.一次 B.二次 C. 三次 D.四次 [判断题] 连带保证不具有连带性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]突飞猛进的现代科学技术向人们提出的新的社会公德要求是()。
A. 助人为乐 B. 遵纪守法 C. 维护生态平衡 D. 改革创新 E. 建立节约型社会 [单项选择]下列关于环境污染特异性损害错误的是( )
A. 急性中毒 B. 致畸作用 C. 降低人群免疫力 D. 致癌作用 E. 致敏作用 [单选题]163.在电动机直接启动的控制线路中,由( )作短路保护。
A.熔断器 B.热继电器 C.接触器 D.继电器 [单选题]安全生产“3E"原则不包括( )。
A.安全工程技术对策小岛 B.法制对策 C.经济对策 D.教育对策 [单选题]当站台门未关闭且未被旁路时:在CBTC模式下,站台计轴区域内行驶的CBTC客车(客车全部或者部分在区域内时)会( )
A.不受影响 B.紧急制动 C.缓慢减速 D.加速 [简答题]《行规》规定确认轨道电路分路不良区段空闲的办法?
A. API B. SDI C. GDI D. MDI [判断题]存款保险实行限额偿付,最高偿付限额为人民币50万元。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交