The United States in the 1990s has had seven years of economic boom with low unemployment, low inflation, and low government deficit. Amid all of this good news, inequality has increased and wages have barely risen. Common sense knowledge seems to be right in this instance, that is, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class is shrinking. Though President Clinton boasts that the number of people on welfare has decreased significantly under his regime to 8 million, a 44% decline from 1994, he forgets that there are still 36.5 million poor people in the United States, which is only a 2% decline in the same amount of time. How is it possible that we have increasing inequality during economic prosperity
This contradiction is not easily explained by the dominant neoclassical economic discourse of our time. Nor is it resolved by neoconservative social policy. More helpful is the one book under review: James K. Galbraith’s Created Unequal, a Keynesian a
A. it is a condition created by the labor market
B. there is an overall decline in the world’s economy
C. technological innovation has not produced the desired result
D. the number of people on welfare has decreased
Mobile office is the mutual product of
economic, scientific and social progress. Mobile office has become a solution
that provided users with convenient, prompt, safe, reliable and reasonably
priced communications and office faculty anywhere anytime via the support of
mobile interconnection platform (MIP) and its applications systems. When you leave your office to attend meetings or travel on business, what would happen to your business routine of course, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax machine or e-mail box, but you cannot read them and make prompt reaction timely. When your clients need you to make some urgent modifications on your work and you are neither in the office nor carrying relevant documents, what can you do Maybe you hav A. has some fatal shortcomings B. is too expensive to afford C. would be realized in the future D. has both advantages and disadvantages [多选题]凡患有( )、晕厥及眩晕症、器质性心脏病或各种心律失常、四肢骨关节及运动功能障碍疾病,以及其它不适于高处作业疾患的人员,不得从事高处作业。
A.A.未控制的高血压 B.B.恐高症 C.C.癫痫 D.D.糖尿病 [多选题]防跌落的方法有哪些。_______
A.在登高灭火与抢险救援战斗行动中,切忌盲目冒险或 疏忽大意,防止发生跌落 B.夜间能见度低或浓烟中行动时,严格按照前虚后实探 步前进的要求 C.严禁站立在结构不稳的建筑或失去平衡的堆垛周围 D.船体倾斜时,要紧紧抓住护栏。有倾翻危险时要立即 撤出 E.保护、掩护和联络人员必须集中精力,全神贯注。不 可有丝毫闪失 [多选题]实施农网巩固提升工程,持续完善脱贫摘帽地区、革命老区农村电网,助力提升村容村貌,加快()、()。
A.线路缆化 B.废旧电杆拆除 C.线路规整 D.农网改造 [判断题]客户发起“利添利”账户理财业务“T+0”快速赎回支付的贷款利息按照中国人民银行1年贷款基准利率执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]支付结算业务是银行的一项( )。
A.资产业务 B.负债业务 C.表内业务 D.中间业务 [单项选择]其特点是由具有法人资格、有资质、有能力的专业项目管理公司受项目业主的委托负责项目建设的组织管理工作,并向建设项目业主负责的建设项目合同方式是( )。
A. 工程建设总承包 B. 建设项目管理总承包 C. 施工总承包管理 D. 切块分包方式 [单选题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司铁路旅客电子客票实施细则(暂行)》规定:电子客票的购票信息单仅作为旅客购票的信息提示。旅客如需报销凭证,可于开车前或( ),凭购票时所使用的有效身份证件原件,到车站售票窗口换取报销凭证。
A.乘车日期之日起30日内 B.乘车日期次日起30日内 C.乘车日期之日起60日内 D.乘车日期次日起60日内 [单选题]人员工作中与10kV及以下带电设备的距离大于()小于(),同时无绝缘隔板、安全遮拦等措施的,厂站设备应停电
A.0.7、1.0m B.0.6m、1.0m C.0.3m、0.7m D.0.35m、0.7m [判断题]擅自改变用电类别用电的,属于违约用电行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]行车基本闭塞法采用( )。
A.自动闭塞、自动站间闭塞、半自动闭塞 B.自动闭塞、半自动闭塞 C.自动闭塞、半自动闭塞、电话闭塞 [单选题]下列哪项缺乏不会引起牙釉质发育不全
A.维生素 B.维生素 C.维生素 D.维生素 E.钙和磷 我来回答: 提交