Playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers take them for granted. This is especially true (1) children from families and communities that have the resources needed to organize and (2) sports programs and make sure that there is easy (3) to participation opportunities. Children in low- income families and poor communities are (4) likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often (5) the resources needed to pay for participation (6) , equipment, and transportation to practices and games (7) their communities do not have resources to build and (8) sports fields and facilities.
Organized youth sports (9) appeared during the early 20th century in the United States and other wealthy nations. They were originally developed (10) some educators and developmental experts (11) that the behavior and character of children were (12) influenced by their social surroundings and everyday experiences. This (
A. realized
B. expected
C. recalled
D. exhibited
I was introduced to the concept of
literacy animator in Oladumi Arigbede’s (1994) article on high illiteracy rates
among women and school dropout rates among girls. According to Arigbede,
literacy animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating
development of people in the world who are struggling for a more meaningful
life. Animators are a family of deeply concerned and committed people whose
gut-level rejection of mass human pauperizafion compels them to intervene on the
side of the marginalized. Their motivation is not derived from a love of
literacy as merely another technical life skill, and they accept that literacy
is never culturally or ideologically neutral. Arigbede writes from her experiences as an animator working with women and men in Nigeria. She believes that literacy animators have to make a clear A. teach American customs and ideology B. make a choice of culture to be fostered C. reject the values of the dominant class D. help maintain Nigerian language and culture [单项选择]步进电机输人的脉冲频率越高,输出的电磁转矩()
A. 越小 B. 越大 C. 相等 D. 无关 [单项选择]某幼儿园有幼儿300人,在某月内发现腮腺炎患儿4人,则1.33%为()。
A. 发病率 B. 患病率 C. 病死率 D. 检出率 E. 感染率 [单选题][单选题]切断延髓和脑桥之间出现什么呼吸
A.长吸式呼吸 B.长呼式呼吸 C.喘息式呼吸 D.间歇式呼吸 E.暂停式呼吸 [判断题]在机车上进行电气焊作业时,应做好防护措施,带好灭火器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]液压支架立柱、千斤顶的检修质量标准规定:各类型缸体不得弯曲变形,内孔的直线度不得大于0.5/1000。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些是各大系统诊断人格障碍时必须考虑的?
A.年满18周岁 B.相对个人文化背景,其内心经历及行为模式与众人期盼的不符 C.这种异常行为模式不是稳定的,会随着环境等改变 D.会伴有职业及社交的严重问题 E.不是由大脑损伤或病变以及其他精神科障碍所直接引起的状况 [判断题]高低压配电室、开闭所部分停电检修或新设备安装,应在工作地点两旁及对面运行设备间隔的遮栏(围栏)上和禁止通行的过道遮栏(围栏)上悬挂“在此工作!”标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]两感于寒时,经脉的对应关系正确的是()
A. 巨阳与少阳 B. 巨阳与太阳 C. 少阳与厥阴 D. 阳明与少阴 E. 阳明与厥阴 [单项选择]具有平肝潜阳、明目作用的药是()。
A. 龙骨 B. 石决明 C. 龙胆 D. 车前子 E. 牡蛎 [判断题]()尊师爱徒、团结协作的具体要求包括热爱集体、师尊徒卑、相互学习、一致对外等几个方面。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )光滑约束反力的方向是沿着接触面的公法线,而背离物体。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] 使用无线调车灯显调车作业时,调车人员不到位,不允许( )或作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对高温、高压工况,密封面的加工精度要求较高的管道,应采用环连接面型法兰连接,其配合使用的垫片应为()。
A.O形密封圈 B.金属缠绕垫片 C.齿形金属垫片 D.八角形实体金属垫片 我来回答: 提交