Problem /r/n | /r/n Probable causes /r/n
| /r/n Remedy /r/n
| /r/n
No Power. /r/n | /r/n Batteries are not positioned properly or are depleted. /r/n
| /r/n Reposition the batteries correctly or replace with fresh batteries. /r/n
| /r/n
Sudden loss of power. /r/n[单选题] BK28012XZ009 引起气性坏疽的细菌是 ( )
A. 乙型溶血性链球菌 B. 肉毒杆菌 C. 炭疽杆菌 D. 产气荚膜梭菌 [单选题]新生儿,诊断为单侧完全性唇裂合并单侧完全性腭裂,同时伴有鼻部畸形。
A.唇裂整复术后 B.乳恒牙交替期 C.恒牙期 D.腭裂整复术后 E.新生儿无牙期 [判断题] 法律对某些违法行为没有作出吊销许可证处罚,而仅作出罚款处罚的,行政法规不能另行增加处罚种类。
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]票务报表的填写原则?
[单选题]( )应依据国家有关法律法规和有关标准、工程设计文件、施工组织设计和安全技术规划、专项施工方案和安全技术措施、安全技术管理文件等的要求进行。
A.安全教育 B.施工机械验收 C.安全技术交底 D.质量验收 [判断题]CRH5型动车组车端低压线路(24 V 直流配电线路)使用的连接器为带64个插脚的Harting Han 32EE型连接器。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]为病人铺床时,怎样操作才能省力( )
A.身体应靠近床尾 B.上身要保持直立 C.两腿前后分开,稍屈膝 D.多用连续动作 E.床单要干燥、清洁、无碎屑 [单项选择]EAP起源于20世纪二三十年代的美国,最初是为了解决员工的( )问题。
A. 酗酒 B. 家庭暴力 C. 离婚 D. 心情抑郁 [单项选择]以下哪种情况是正确的()
A. 胫骨上1/3骨折易伤及腓总神经 B. 胫骨中1/3骨折易伤及动脉造成小腿下段严重缺血坏死 C. 胫骨下1/3骨折易发生骨折不愈合 D. 因为胫骨有生理性弯曲,因此膝踝关节是不平行的 E. 胫骨中上1/3交界处形态转变,是骨折好发部位 [单选题]车载接触网运行状态检测装置检测接触网( )。
A.硬点 B.高差 C.网压 D.高度 [单项选择]I have always thought _______ of Michael.
A. highly B. doubtfully C. greatly D. nervously [填空题]The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases________the trial of Rosemary West.
In a significant________of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a________bill that will propose making payments to witnesses________and will strictly control the amount of________that can be given to a case________a trial begins.
In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he________with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not________sufficient control.
________of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a________of media protest when he said the________of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges________to Parliament.
The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which________the European Convention on Human Rights legally____
A. A.assure B.confide C.ensure D.guarantee [单项选择]患者男性,16岁,1小时前牙外伤求诊。检查:冠1/3折未露髓,折断面敏感,叩诊(+),冷测一过性敏感若X线检查未见异常,首选下列哪项处理()
A. 盖髓治疗 B. 充填治疗 C. 安抚治疗 D. 活髓切断 E. 根管治疗 [填空题]标志着第一次国共合作全面破裂的是( )。
[多选题]3、根据规范要求本案违规之处有:( )
A.无证进行用电操作。 B.电源箱内要没有安装漏电保护器。 C.使用不完善的照明设备。 D.电源引线直接插入电源插座内。 我来回答: 提交