It was late in the afternoon, and I was
putting the final touch on a piece of writing that I was feeling pretty good
about. I wanted to save it, but my cursor had frozen. I tried to shut the
computer down, and it seized up altogether. Unsure of what else to do, I yanked
(用力猛拉) the battery out. Unfortunately, Windows had been in the midst of a delicate and crucial undertaking. The next morning, when I turned my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load. Then, it offered to repair itself by using the Windows Setup CD. I opened the special drawer where I keep CDs, but no Windows CD in there. I was forced to call the computer company’s Global Support Centre. My call was answered by a woman in some unnamed, far-off land. I find it annoying to make small talk with someone when A. She had saved what she had written. B. She couldn’t move the cursor. C. The computer refused to work. D. The computer offered to repair itself. [多项选择]分包商接到( )的指令后,完成分包合同约定工作范围以外的施工任务后,承包商应按分包合同的变更对待,给分包商相应的补偿。
A. 业主直接发布 B. 工程师直接发布 C. 承包商直接发布 D. 工程师代表发布并经承包商确认 E. 工程师代表发布并经工程师确认 [单选题]下列属于不安规定开展现场勘察的有()
A.一人同时执行多张工作(作业)票。, B.涉及多专业、多部门、多单位的检修作业,未开展现场勘察。, C.不落实业扩工程现场安全管控要求,不验电、不采取安全措施以及强制解锁,擅自操作客户设备。, D.不具备“生产三种人”“基建三种人”“动火作业”资格的人员承担相应的工作。 [多选题]【多选题】安全工器具的电气试验和机械试验可由使用单位根据()进行,也可委托有资质的机构试验。
A.试验标准 B.实际需求 C.使用状况 D.试验周期 [单项选择]发生飞车预兆或飞车时,司机严禁解除机车牵引力,应迅速()。
A. 断开2K B. 断开1K C. 断开4K [判断题] 电工作业人员要切实履行好安全职责,确保自己、他人的安全和各行各业的安全用电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]GB/T3536(克利夫兰法)测定石油产品开口杯闪点时应将温度计放置在垂直位置,并使其球底离试验杯底()mm。
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 我来回答: 提交