Internet is a global network that
connects other computer networks, together with software and protocols for
controlling the movement of data. The Internet, often referred to as "the Net",
was initiated in 1969 by a group of universities and private research groups
funded by the US Department of Defense. It now covers almost every country in
the world. Its organization is informal and deliberately nonpolitical its
controllers tend to concentrate on technical aspects rather than on
administrative control. The Internet offers users a number of
basic services including’ data transfer, electronic mail, and the ability to
access information in remote databases. A notable feature is the existence of
user groups, which allow people to exchange information and debate specific
subjects of interest. In addition, there am a number of high-level services. For
exampl A. is a high level service provided by the Internet B. is the most notable feature with the Internet C. is a basic function performed by the Internet D. can only be achieved by the Internet [单选题]内包装材料核查取样时,由取样人员按规定对包装材料进行取样,取样地点为( )。
A.原料库 B.辅料库 C.耗材库 D.包装材料仓库 [不定项选择题]A.焦虑
A.退化 B.主观感觉异常 C.猜疑 D.愤怒 E.患者因为手术后不能自理而生气,与人争吵。属于 [简答题]影响有效沟通的主要障碍有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪项不属于安宫牛黄丸的辨证要点
A.舌红或绛 B.斑疹吐衄 C.脉数 D.神昏谵语 E.高热烦躁 [多选题]按包扎材料分类,包扎方法可分为( )。
A.毛巾包扎法 B.腹布包扎 C.三角巾包扎法 D.绷带包扎法 [单选题]柴油发动机的曲柄连杆机构不包括()。
A.活塞组 B.连杆组 C.气缸组 [单项选择]对扣缴义务人拒绝或阻挠税务机关对其实施检查,税务机关应()。
A. 责令改正,并按规定实施行政处罚 B. 移送公安机关按治安管理条例处理 C. 采取税收强制执行措施 D. 按抗税的相关规定处理 [填空题]消防人员扑救火灾时,应根据着火对象的特点、火势蔓延方向、作战环境等因素,正确选择 ( ) 路线。
[单项选择]上下相资汤用于( )
A. 虚热证崩漏 B. 肾阴虚证崩漏 C. 实热证崩漏 D. 肾气虚证崩漏 E. 脾虚证崩漏 [名词解释]金融租赁
A. (A) liquefied B. (B) hardened C. (C) aerated D. (D) undrinkable E. (E) weakened [多项选择]对于未函证应收账款,注册会计师可以抽查()等有关原始凭据来验证与其相关的应收账款的真实性。
A. 销售合同及销售订单 B. 销售发票副本 C. 发运凭证 D. 回款单据 [单选题]50kg/m 钢轨双头对称夹板两中间孔的距离为( )。
A.120mm B.140mm C.160mm D.202mm [判断题]润滑油的粘度随温度变化越大越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]年终决算日需关注平账时间的跨行系统有
A.A、国库信息处理系统 B.B、网点平台和集中业务系统 C.C、同城票据交换 D.D、人民币支付清算业务 [单选题]计算机机房的接地和雷电电磁脉冲防护应符合标准;分散设置的防雷地线、安全地线、屏蔽地线或采用()接地体的接地电阻值应符合标准。
A.站场状态显示 B.接受并向联锁机发送按钮命令 C.联锁运算 D.综合接地装置 我来回答: 提交