Private enterprise is the thing. We
went to a party on the river earlier this summer. The host (31)
is old enough to know better, served a lunch made with his home-made
wine. As I was driving, I was (32) to decline, but my wife
politely took a glass and subsequently fell upstairs. The wound (33)
weekly dressing by the district nurse, a talkative soul who enjoyed
the social (34) of her work. She stayed for most of the
afternoon, admiring things and gossiping about village life. At about the
(35) time I called in the regional crime officer, to advise me
on how to make the house reasonably secure against the child criminals who
commit most of the (36) in these parts. He, (37)
, was a companionable soul and made an afternoon of it. And why is it that when I write to a public utility (38) as A. work B. life C. side D. society [多选题]关于“将××母线由检修状态转为运行状态”的操作指令,不正确的操作顺序是:()。
A.拉开该母线地刀和拆除该母线接地线,合上母联开关两侧刀闸,合上母联开关充电该母线 B.拉开该母线地刀和拆除该母线接地线,合上母联开关两侧刀闸,投入母联开关的充电保护,合上母联开关充电该母线,充电正常后退出母联开关的充电保护 C.拉开该母线地刀和拆除该母线接地线,合上该母线PT一次侧刀闸以及母联开关两侧刀闸,投入母联开关的充电保护,合上母联开关充电该母线,充电正常后退出母联开关的充电保护 D.拉开该母线地刀和拆除该母线接地线,合上母联开关两侧刀闸,投入母联开关的充电保护,合上母联开关充电该母线,充电正常后退出母联开关的充电保护,合上该母线PT一次侧刀闸 [单选题]带负荷断、接引线。违章定级为()类违章
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]APGAR评分1分,表示
A.家庭功能良好 B.家庭功能轻度障碍 C..家庭功能中度障碍 D.家庭功能重度障碍 E.家庭功能极重度障碍 [单选题]断路器的跳合闸线圈的动作电压应为(____)的额定电压。
A. 30%-65% B. 50%-70% C. 55%-70% D. 65%-85% [单选题]不是CDZ53举高消防车油路切换到下车,下车支不起腿故障原因的是( )。( )
A.吊臂支架上的行程开关损坏 B.下车多路阀中的溢流阀设定压力太低 C.上、下车转换阀中的控制支腿油路压力的小调压阀出现故障 D.上、下车转换阀中的控制反馈油路的电磁阀卡住 [单选题]纪检部门组织开展一案双查调查应成立不少于()的调查组,必要时可可联合稽查、督察内审等相关部门参加。
A.1人 B.2人 C.3人 D.4人 [判断题]支柱布置应尽量采用确定的设计最大值。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]HF的天线阻抗为()
A. 35欧姆 B. 50欧姆 C. 75欧姆 D. 125欧姆 [单选题]换流变压器高压试验前应通知阀厅内高压穿墙套管侧试验无关人员撤离,并派专人( )。
A.值守 B.呼唱 C.监护 D.监护并呼唱 [单选题]CHEMPRO100化学探测器/军事毒剂侦检仪,可正常工作的温度范围:( )。
A.30℃~55℃ B. -30℃~55℃ C. -55℃~30℃ D. -55℃~-30℃ [填空题]When it comes to weight control, almost nothing is easier and cheaper than brisk walking.
Going for a walk every day can (47) mood, increase energy, lower blood pressure and (48) against a list of diseases including cancer. But to (49) these benefits, you need to get the lead out and put some spring in your step. It’s not window shopping or taking a stroll in the park. Walk like you’re late for the bus. You should be able to carry on a conversation, but you’ll be a little (50) when you talk, says Miriam Nelson, director of the John Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Prevention at Tufts University in Boston. You should be able to feel that your heart (51) is up. One study found that people who wear a pedometer (计步器) walk about 2, 000 more steps a day, or about another mile, than those who don’t. That burns about 100 (52) calories a day. Another study by Harvard [单选题]常用于外墙修饰的涂料是( )。
A.过氯乙烯涂料 B.固化剂 C.聚脂酸乙烯乳液涂料 D.合成树脂乳液砂壁状涂料 [多选题]整顿的目的有哪些( )
A.工作场所整齐有序, B.清除过多积压的物品,减少浪费 C.减少寻找物品的时间 D.腾出空间 [填空题]冷气系统膨胀阀或贮液器阻塞时,高、低压表显示()。
[单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}}
A. Nervous. B. Uninterested. C. Confident. D. Upset. [单选题]护士小刘,正用紫外线灯消毒病室,下列做法不正确的是
A. 让病室内能活动的患者到外面活动,若患者无法离开病室,用纱布遮盖患者双眼 B. 用无水乙醇擦拭灯管去除尘埃 C. 使用时间超过1000h的灯管应更换 D. 打开紫外线灯,开始计时,消毒时间20min E. 消毒完后,立即开窗通风 [判断题]未经安全生产教育和培训合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交