Is there something as truth For a good
many centuries "the search for truth" has been (31) the
noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to
such (32) conclusions that it often seems that very little
progress has been made. (33) , there are many people who reel
that we are actually going backward. They (34) , often
contemptuously, that we have accumulated more "knowledge" than our ancestors,
but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have
(35) the truth that we once possessed. If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises (36) the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail--and maybe an eagle’s wings for good (37) A. while B. that C. when D. whether [单选题]李某在A县闹市区马路上偷了一个下水道井盖(价值800元),到B县某废品收购站销赃时被举报。B县公安局经调查后,拟对李某处以行政拘留处罚,并告知李某。李某要求举行听证,B县公安局予以拒绝。行政拘留决定作出后,李某申请行政复议,同时提出请其到B县出差的亲友张某做担保人,申请暂缓执行行政拘留。下列说法正确的是( )。
A.李某涉嫌盗窃行政违法行为 B.B县公安局对本案无管辖权 C.B县公安局不应当拒绝李某的听证要求 D.张某不可以做担保人 [填空题]自动闭塞区段,发车进路信号机发生故障时发出列车, 列车进入闭塞分区的行车凭证为___。
[多选题]了解多层建筑火灾现场情况后,指挥员应从( ),以及划定警戒区域、明确有无增援需求等方面确定灭火救援的总体方案,预判现场行动可能存在的风险。
A.搜救路线、救人力量编组、紧急避险信号和撤离路线 B.判断火势蔓延方向,初步确定灭火路线、阵地设置和外部登高作业位置 C.确定蜿蜒、垂直铺设水带的形式、线路和数量,合理组织后方供水 D.有效利用建筑消防设施,切断电力及燃气供应,并预判现场存在的主要危险 [单选题]犬,4月龄,生长缓慢、呕吐、腹泻、贫血,经粪便检查确诊为蛔虫和绦虫混合感染,最佳的治疗药物是()
A.吡喹酮 B.阿苯达唑 C.伊维菌素 D.地克珠利 [多选题]验电时,使用的验电器应符合下列哪些条件( )?
A.A.高一电压等级 B.B.相应电压等级 C.C.合格的接触式验电器 D.D.感应式 [单选题]创建原则:1、坚持“为民创建、创建为民、全员参与、共建共享”的原则; 2、坚持“围绕工作大局、推进科学发展”的原则; 3、( )
A.坚持“产城融合、全面推进、奋力争创”的原则 B.坚持“五城同创、全面推进、奋力争创”的原则 C.坚持“五城融合、同步推进、奋力争创”的原则 我来回答: 提交