High oil prices have not yet produced an economic
shock among consuming countries, but further rises, especially sharp
{{U}} (21) {{/U}} , would undoubtedly hurt the world economy, and
{{U}} (22) {{/U}} would inevitably harm producers, too. Beyond this
obvious point, {{U}} (23) {{/U}}, higher prices could even do harm to
both oil firms and producers. Big oil firms {{U}} (24) {{/U}} rolling in money today, but that disguises the fact that their longer-term prospects are {{U}} (25) {{/U}} Behind the reserves-accounting scandal at Royal Dutch/ Shell {{U}} (26) {{/U}} a problem bedeviling all of the majors: replacing their dwindling reserves. {{U}} (27) {{/U}} existing fields in Alaska an A. concluding B. including C. excluding D. exploring [判断题]车站出入口排水沟畅通,排水系统应与城市排 水系统连通,出入口建筑、无障碍垂直电梯接缝应完成密封处理; 雨水多地区的车站出入口建筑不应在低洼地势区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]负温度系数热敏电阻式油温传感器随着温度的上升电阻值下降。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]确立党对军队的绝对领导的历史大事件是( )。
A.八七会议 B.三湾改编 C.文家市决策 D.井冈山会师 [判断题]31016】两部制电价计费的用户,其固定电费部分不实行《功率因数调整电费办法》。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下( )是《四川省农村信用社联合社印章管理办法》规定的印章使用范围。
A.以本社名义发送的正式文电 B.签订的各种经济合同(包括借款合同、借款协议等)、资金拆借协议、出具的担保函、资金证明以及各种承担经济责任、具有法律效力的文本 C.报送或下达的各种计划、贷款和财务指标、决算、业务报表等 D.颁发对先进集体、先进个人及其他荣誉称号的证书、专业技术职务聘任证书、岗位合格证书等 E.需要用本社名义开具的介绍信 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Greatest Mystery of Whales
The whale is a warm一blooded,air-breathing animal,giving birth to its young alive,sucking them一and, like all mammals,originated on land. There are many________________(51)of this. Its front flippers(鳍状肢), used for steering and stability,are traces of feet. Immense strength is________________(52)into the great body of the big whales,and in fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle.The blue whale's pulling strength has been estimated________________(53) 400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have towed(拖)a whaling vessel for seven hours at the _______________ (54)of eight knot(节). An angry whale will________________(55).A famous example of this was the fate of Whaler Essex, ________________(56)was sunk off the coast of South America early in the last century. More recently,steel ships have ___________( 57 ) their plates buckled(使弯曲)in the same way. Sperm whales(抹香鲸)were known to seize the old-time whaleboats in their jaws and crush them. The greatest________________(58)of whales is their diving ability.The sperm whale dives to the bottom foi his________________(59)food,the octopus(章鱼).In that search he is known to go as far down as 3 , 200 feet, where the________________(60)is 1,400 pounds,to a square inch.Doing so he will________________(61)underwa- ter as long as one hour. Two special skills are involved in this storing up enough________________(62)(all whales are air-breathed)and tolerating the great change in pressure.Just how he does it scientists have nol _______________ (63).It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special________________(64)of blood vessels,rather than just held in the lungs.And it is believed that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of a compensating mechanism that________________(65)adjusts the internal pressure of his body.But since you can't bring a live whale into the laboratory for study,no one knows just how these things work. _________(51) A.aspects B.signs C.ways D.reasons [多选题]建设工程组织固定节拍流水施工的特点有( )。
A.专业工作队数大于施工过程数 B.施工段之间没有空闲时间 C.相邻施工过程的流水步距相等 D.各施工段上的流水节拍相等 E.各专业工作队能够在各施工段上连续作业 [单选题]在厂站的带电区域内或邻近带电导体附近,禁止使用();搬动梯子、管子等长物应将其放倒后,宜由两人搬运,并与带电部分保持足够的安全距离。
A.绝缘梯子 B.干燥的木梯 C.金属梯子 D.干燥的竹梯 [单项选择]系统构成的最基本的三个要素是()
A. 输入、输出和处理 B. 输入、输出和计算 C. 输入、输出和存储 D. 输入、输出和控制 [单选题]北京时间2014年3月8日1时20分,马航MH370航班在越南胡志明空中管制区同管制部门失去通信联络,同时失去雷达信号。航班的乘客来自于14个国家和地区,其中( )人来自中国大陆,还有一名中国台湾乘客。
A.151 B.153 C.155 D.157 [单项选择]Windows要使用安全模式启动,需在启动时按()键。
A. F2 B. F5 C. F6 D. F8 [单选题]消防救援人员在国家综合性消防救援队伍工作期间( )纹身。
A.可以 B.不得 C.领导同意后可以 D.应当 [多项选择]因产品质量纠纷,管某欲将某电器公司告上法庭,他可以委托下列哪些人作为他的诉讼代理人
A. 甲,精通法律,曾因交通肇事罪被判处有期徒刑3年,现已服刑完毕 B. 乙,16岁,少年天才,某名牌大学法学院的学生 C. 丙,在法院工作,为人公正,乐于助人 D. 丁社团,该社团经常以社团组织的名义为群众义务解答法律上的疑惑 [单项选择]某产妇需行会阴侧切术助产,护士在准备手术用物时,下列选项中不是必需用物的是
A. 手术刀 B. 持针器 C. 有齿镊 D. 注射器 E. 止血钳 [多选题]涤纶凝水站酸碱进料操作结束后,应( )。
A.记录酸、碱槽液位 B.当班人员必须确认签字 C.酸、碱槽上锁 D.地面冲洗干净 [单选题]以下选项中错误的是( )。
A.平面加工,工序余量为双边余量 B.毛坯尺寸公差按双向对称偏差形式标注 C.“入体原则”规定被包容尺寸最大加工尺寸为基本尺寸 D.对于包容表面的工序余量等于本工序尺寸减去前工序尺寸 [判断题]梯子不宜绑接使用。人字梯应有限制开度的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交