May people like the gigantic whales.
Human sympathy{{U}} (62) {{/U}}whales is only natural of all the
creatures in the sea.{{U}} (63) {{/U}}are closer relatives to us than
these warm-blooded mammals. And how they got into the sea is one of the most
fascinating stories of{{U}} (64) {{/U}}. Most authorities believe that
60 million years ago ancestors of modern whales were four-legged, wolf-size
animals living on the sea shores,{{U}} (65) {{/U}}an abundance of fish
and shrimp tempted them to try wading. {{U}} (66) {{/U}}10 to 15 million
years, their bodies grew, forelegs shrank into flippers used for balance and
steering and hind legs disappeared. As a result of some amazing transformations,
they are now helpless on land. If stranded on a beach, they can barely
breathe. With abundant{{U}} (67) {{/U}}of food, whales grew into the lar A. From B. For C. With D. Of [填空题]变压器加热干燥时监控温度,必须对各部温度进行监控。当为带油干燥时,利用油箱加热时,上层油温不得超过()℃。
[单项选择]Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. Hollywood and Academy awards. B. Hollywood and sexual separation. C. Actors and actresses. D. Racial discrimination and sexual difference. [单选题]连续精馏,提馏段操作线位置一般与( )无关。
A.进料量的多少 B.进料的热状况 C.釜残液的组成 D.回流比 [单项选择]You need to create a form for Payroll application that will allow the user to view all information for any employee ID queried. This data should be displayed to the user in a grouped format. The user should be able to choose which information they want to see from a pull down list containing the values PERSONAL and PAYROLL. Which format should you use to create this form?()
A. One content canvas and multiple stacked canvases. B. One content and one stacked canvas. C. Tab canvas with several tab pages. D. One content canvas. E. A horizontal and vertical toolbar. [简答题]简述席位复用的定义以及复用方式。
A. 腐蚀性流体或者液体出现闪蒸、空化。 B. 流体流速很高时。 C. 流体中含有固体颗粒。 D. 锅炉给水执行器。 [判断题]【判断题】重大风险未编制应急预案未组织演练不得施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]公安消防部队党的基层组织书记在本级党员大会和委员会集体领导下,负责党组织日常工作,履行哪些职责?
[多选题]长期以来,消防队伍作为同老百姓贴得最近、联系最紧的队伍,有警必出、闻警即动,奋战在人民群众最需要的地方,特别是在重大灾害事故面前,你们( ),作出了突出贡献。
A.不怕牺牲 B.勇敢无畏 C.不畏艰险 D.冲锋在前 [单选题]旅客列车在两线、多线区间应按( )规定的走行径路运行。
A.《车站行车工作细则》 B.《行规》 C.《机务段行车工作细则》 D.机务段调度员 [多选题]联轴节检查项点有( )。
A、紧固件是否齐全 B、是否有漏油现象
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]当事人对()可以请求人民法院或仲裁机构变更或撤销。
A. 因重大误解订立的合同 B. 包含因重大过失造成对方财产损失的免责条款的合同 C. 因欺诈而订立且损害国家利益的合同 D. 无权代理订立的合同 [多选题]结合中小学教师在职进修的特殊性,组织教师进修时,一般是( )
A.以业余为主 B.以自学为主 C.以长期为主 D.以短期为主 E.以国外学习为主 [判断题]开断电缆时,扶绝缘柄的人应戴绝缘手套并站在绝缘垫上,并采取防灼伤措施(如防护面具等)。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行政处罚的时效自违法行为终了之日起计算。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交