Interviewer: So, Mr. Hood, you work in the American Embassy in London, is that correct
Dell J. Hood: That’s correct, yes.
Interviewer: What do you do there
Dell J. Hood: I’m an Assistant Cultural Officer there, and my specific responsibilities are bringing a small number of American speakers over to the U. K, to talk to various audiences here, er, I also work with the people who teach American Studies in the British educational system at secondary level and universities.
Interviewer: What do you think are the advantages and, and... disadvantages of living in the U. S. A
Dell J. Hood: I think one advantage is perhaps a certain casualness, and a more relaxed attitude in the U. S....urn... things are not quite as formal as what I’ve seen here in are perhaps a little more spontaneous, er, in just getting up and doing things, getting up and going someplace in the U. disadvantage..., um...I
Since the industrial revolution,
government, society, and industry have attempted to channel technological
progress in useful directions. Whether it is the printing press, the cotton gin
(轧棉机), the automobile or the Internet, technological innovations (创新) often have
profound economic and social effects. To control the benefits and minimize the
more harmful effects of new technologies, modern governments use four basic
approaches: specific direction, market incentives (刺激), criminal prohibition and
behavior modification. Specific direction starts with governments identifying one or more key factors in the R&D phase. Then, using a variety of means ranging from administrative regulation to complete state Ownership, the government seeks to control the implementation of the technology. Market incentives are the del A. raise commodity prices to give government a bigger revenue B. the government encourage more researchers to make technological innovations C. raise oil prices to cut gasoline consumption and protect our environment D. the government give allowances to private enterprises to build more advanced highways [单选题]甲税务师事务所的税务师丙代理客户乙公司进行纳税申报,由于甲税务师事务所的原因造成乙公司少缴纳税款。主管税务机关对乙公司作出补缴税款并加收滞纳金的决定,则补缴税款和滞纳金应( )。
A.由甲税务师事务所向税务机关缴纳,同时甲税务师事务所向税务师丙追责 B.由乙公司向税务机关缴纳,同时乙公司向甲税务师事务所及税务师丙提出赔偿要求 C.由乙公司、甲税务师事务所、税务师丙共同缴纳,分别承担各自责任 D.由乙公司向税务机关缴纳税款,甲税务师事务所向税务机关缴纳滞纳金 [多选题]防蜂服具有( )性能。
A.防蜂蜇 B.防蚊虫叮咬 C.防割 D.防穿刺 E.防水 [单项选择]男,58岁。上腹胀、隐痛2个月,伴食欲减退、乏力、消瘦、大便发黑。查体:消瘦,浅表淋巴结无肿大。上消化道钡剂造影见胃窦部小弯侧黏膜紊乱,可见直径4.5cm不规则充盈缺损,胃壁僵直,诊断为胃癌。其最常见的转移途径是()
A. 血行转移 B. 淋巴转移 C. 直接浸润 D. 胃肠道内转移 E. 腹腔内种植 [单选题]发包单位应与承包单位签订的安全协议中应具体规定发包单位和承包单位各自应承担的(),发包单位安监部门应组织审查。
A.A.施工项目和安全责任 B.B.安全责任和评价考核条款 C.C.项目分工和评价考核条款 D.D.施工责任和违约赔偿 [判断题]年限平均法是指将固定资产的原价减去预计净残值后的余额,乘以一个以固定资产尚可使用寿命为分子、以预计使用寿命逐年数字之和为分母的逐年递减的分数计算每年的折旧额。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高路堤范围内的跨距应严格按照设计标准选用值。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]室内配线必须采用绝缘导线或电缆。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列做法中符合学前儿童心理环境创设要求的是()
A. 教师及时制止儿童之间的争论 B. 教师提醒儿童不要乱发表意见 C. 在儿童科学探索遇到困难时,教师激励儿童继续探索 D. 教师对儿童不合逻辑、幼稚可笑的推理给予批评并纠正 [单项选择]制动器缓慢拖滞转动的原因可能是下列哪一项()
A. 系统内空气过量; B. 制动轮缸或制动钳活塞被卡住; C. 制动踏板回位弹簧拉力过大; D. 制动蹄片磨损量过大。 [单选题]洋地黄中毒多见的心律失常是
A.室上性心动过速 B.室性期前收缩二联律 C.心房纤颤 D.房室传导阻滞 E.房性期前收缩 [单项选择]列举类创新方法是通过列举有关项目来促进全面考虑问题,防止遗漏,从而形成多种构想方案的方法。具有()的特点。
A. 改进性分析、一览表式展开 B. 强制性分析、一览表式展开 C. 强制性分析、不列表式展开 D. 以上观点都是 [多项选择]北京天坛由( )等建筑组成。
A. 圜丘 B. 斋宫 C. 祈年殿 D. 皇穹宇 E. 方泽坛 [单选题]网卡是完成( )层上功能的.
A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.物理和数据链路层 D.数据链路层和网络层 [单选题]回送客车底列车运行线表示方法是( )。
A. 红单线加红双杠 B. 红单线加红方框 C. 红单线加红箭头 D. 红单线加红“×” [单选题]人民币的简写符号是()。
A.$; B.£; C.¥; D.€。 我来回答: 提交