As far back as he could remember, Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film star. The young man’s hopes for success were broken again and again, however. Hollywood just did not seem interested. When he first came to California Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success. Therefore, he kept on trying. Someday, he told himself, his big opportunity would come.
Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood’s big restaurants. His pay was basic, but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money, he managed to make a living.
One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot and getting out of his car. Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.
Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it. Then he stopped, jumped out, and ran over to the director. "Excuse me, sir, but I think it’s only fair to tell you th
A. Because he liked the job.
B. Because the parking lot was near Hollywood.
C. To make a living and wait for the opportunity.
D. To see a lot of film stars and work for them.
In 17th-century New England, almost
everyone believed in witches. Struggling to survive in a vast and sometimes
unforgiving land, America’s earliest European settlers understood themselves to
be surrounded by an inscrutable universe filled with invisible spirits, both
benevolent and evil, that affected their lives. They often attributed a sudden
illness, a household disaster or a financial setback to a witch’s curse. The
belief in witchcraft was, at bottom, an attempt to make sense of the
unknown. While witchcraft was often feared, it was punished only infrequently. In the first 70 years of the New En A. the clash between European settlers and the Indians. B. disagreements among European settlers in Salem. C. the delusion of the sick in Salem. D. the pretension of the sick in Salem. [判断题] WP错误2 系列发动机进出水室布置在气缸体排气侧。.
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization. All users connect to their mailboxes by using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) andWindows 7. Your companys security administrators deploy Outlook Protection Rules. You need to recommend a client connection solution for the organization to ensure that Outlook ProtectionRules can be used. What should you recommend?()
A. Upgrade all client computers to Outlook 2010. B. Instruct all users to connect to Outlook Web App (OWA). C. Instruct all users to install the Rights Management Service (RMS) client. D. Instruct all users to install the Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) control. [单项选择]五苓散与猪苓散的药物组成均有( )
A. 茯苓、泽泻、白术 B. 泽泻、茯苓、猪苓 C. 猪苓、茯苓、桂枝 D. 白术、猪苓、茯苓 E. 泽泻、茯神、肉桂 [单选题]以下有关人力资本投资的表述,错误的是( )。
A.投资主体可以是国家或个人 [单选题] 盒马鲜生采用的供应链模式是( )
A.“农超对接”模式 B. 直销模式 C. C2C模式 D. 新零售模式 [单选题]严禁用翻斗车自卸汽车拖车拖拉机机动三轮车( )自行车和摩托车运输爆破器材。
A. 火车 B. 人力三轮车 C.轮船 [判断题]HXD2B型机车牵引座承受着拉力和制动力,是主要的承载部件。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]数据报选项与填充域使得IP数据报的头部长度是 【4】 的整数倍。
[单项选择]( )具有无限法偿能力。
A. 存款货币 B. 本位货币 C. 基础货币 D. 电子货币 [判断题]在满足使用要求的前提下,应尽量使用较大牌号的石油沥青,以保证较长使用年限。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]特种作业人员、特种设备作业人员应按照国家有关规定,取得相应资格,并按期复审,定期体检。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统洗钱和恐怖融资风险自评估管理办法》规定,洗钱风险自评估工作遵循()原则。 "
A.风险为本原则 B.全面性原则 C.客观性原则 D.匹配性原则 E.灵活性原则 F.安全性原则" [单项选择]主治风寒外束、痰热内蕴证的方剂是()。
A. 小青龙汤 B. 定喘汤 C. 旋覆代赭汤 D. 止嗽散 E. 苏子降气汤 [单选题]CR400AF(-A)动车组二级修塞拉门检测与清洁,车门未紧急解锁,门控器( )口指示灯熄灭。
A.I0 B.I12 C.I1 D.I3 [单选题]1640C.RTSⅢ型板式无碎轨道在轨道板和底座之间灌注的材料是C.
A.砂浆。 B.正确 C.错误 我来回答: 提交