The single most shattering statistic
about life in America in the late 1990s was that tobacco killed more
people than the combined total of those who died from AIDS, car accidents,
alcohol, murder, suicide, illegal drugs and fire. The deaths of more than 400,
000 Americans each year, 160, 000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong case
for the prohibition of tobacco, and particularly of cigarettes. The case, backed
by solid evidence, has been made in every public arena since the early 1950s,
when the first convincing link between smoking and cancer was established in
clinical and epidemiological studies—yet 50 million Americans still go on
smoking. tobacco-related illness. It is a remarkable story, clearly told,
astonishingly well documented and with a transparent moral motif. Most smokers in Americ A. circumventing supervision. B. actualizing public relations. C. playing on words. D. lobbying a bill. [单选题]动车组更正性检修记录保存()个三级检修周期。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]CD005 4 1 1
温度一次仪表安装按固定形式有( )安装。 A.法兰固定 B.螺纹连接固定 C.法兰和螺纹连接共同固定 D.以上三种固定 [单项选择]企业管理过程中每一件事都包含着沟通的任务。管理者没有信息就不可能做出决策,沟通,简单来说,就是人与人之间进行信息交流的活动。那么,就要求管理者能够区分接受信息的有用与否,所以,下列关于有用信息的特征不包括()。
A. 高质量 B. 成本低 C. 及时 D. 完全 [判断题]丢手堵水对于高压油井,可以做到长期封堵,能够有效控制井口溢流,减少地面污染,消除污染水回收等对作业影响,提高作业进度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]设备进行停电检修时,必须( )。
A.断开设备电源总开关 B.必须反复验电确认无电后才能作业。 C.电源开关处挂“有人工作,不可合闸”警告牌 D.严禁预先约定送电时间方式送电 E.将设备端电源进线拆除 [单项选择]下列各结构何者不位于右肾前面()
A. 右肾上腺 B. 十二指肠 C. 空肠 D. 结肠 E. 肝 [单项选择]患者,女性,57岁,胃癌,胃大部切除术后第3天。护士为患者取半坐卧位,并解释该卧位的主要作用是()
A. 减少腹部伤口出血 B. 减少静脉回心血量 C. 减轻肺部淤血 D. 减少腹腔渗出液 E. 减轻伤口缝合处的张力 [多选题]根据《配电安规》,土壤电阻率较高地区,如岩石、瓦砾、沙土等,应采取增加接地体( )等措施改善接地电阻。
A.根数 B.长度 C.截面积 D.埋地深度 [名词解释]国际服务贸易壁垒
[单选题]电器灭火时,不能采用哪种灭火器( )。( )
A.干粉灭火器 B.二氧化碳灭火器 C.泡沫灭火器 [判断题]掌沃通APP登录手机号未绑定账号,可绑定全国范围内的发展人。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交