John had not much affection for his
mother and sisters, and an antipathy to me. He bullied and punished me; not two
or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually: every
nerve I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh in my bones shrank when he
came near. There were moments when I was bewildered by the terror he inspired,
because I had no appeal whatever against either his menaces or his inflictions;
the servants did not like to offend their young master by taking my part against
him, and Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike
or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and then in her very presence,
more frequently, however, behind her back. Habitually obedient to John, I came up to his chair: he spent some three minutes in thrusting ou A. he wanted to make it clean and tidy B. he wanted to teach her to behave well hi his house C. he wanted her to pay for her expense by working D. he wanted to hit her with a book [多选题]空勤人员体检鉴定的结论分为()。
A.良好 B.合格 C.暂时不合格 D.不合格 [简答题]采用高速铁路施工特定作业办法时,路用列车开行的始发、途经和终到站不得同时安排其他施工和维修作业。
A.150-200米 B.50米以上 C.500米 D.300米 [单选题]禁止抄表、( )、收费业务操作权限不分离。
A.表码录入 B.换表 C.核算 D.开票 [单选题]病原菌在局部繁殖, 毒素入血称为( )
A.败血症 B.毒血症 C.内毒素血症 D.脓毒血症 E.菌血症 [判断题]电子档案移交介质应与电子档案离线存储或备份介质统一管理、集中存放。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何有效地组织复习。
[单选题]10 月 16 日,经过中国铁建大桥局集团五公司数百名建设者日夜奋战,昭泸高速公路全线最长隧道——( )顺利贯通,标志着昭泸高速公路建设取得突破性进展,为全线开通运营奠定了坚实基础。
A.清河隧道 B.六和隧道 C.昭河隧道 D.陆河隧道 [单项选择]3,3,9,15,33,( )
A. 75 B. 63 C. 48 D. 34 [单项选择]乳牙龋药物治疗时,具有腐蚀性的药物是()
A. 2%氟化钠 B. 8%氟化钠 C. 10%酸性氟磷酸 D. 38%氟化氨银 E. 8%氟化亚锡溶液 [多选题]苹果蠹蛾重点监测区域是:_____。
A.苹果出口种植基地 B.梨出口种植基地 C.水果批发市场 D.果汁加工厂周边地区 [单选题]党章规定,凡属应由下级组织处理的问题,如无特殊情况,上级领导机关( )。
A.适当干预 B.绝不干预 C.不要干预 D.可以干预 [单选题]接地装置是防雷装置的主要组成部分,作用是( ),限制防雷装置的对地电压,使之不至过高。
A.削弱雷电能量 B.泄放雷电电流 C.切断雷电电流 我来回答: 提交