The marvelous telephone and television
network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbors, cannot
be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on
another planet. Even with today’s radio equipment, the messages will take
minutes--sometimes hours--on their journey, because radio and light waves travel
at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second. Twenty years from now you will be able to listen to a friend on Mars, but the words you hear will have left his mouth at least three minutes earlier, and your reply will take a corresponding time to reach him. In such circumstances, an exchange of verbal messages is possible--but not a conversation. To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this "time barrier" may have a A. limitations of our technology B. vastness of the cosmic reality C. prospect of planetary travel D. psychological impact of time and space [单选题]下列说法不正确的是()
A.农村信用社员工不准在任何时候购买各种彩票 B.农村信用社员工不准利用信贷资金购买股票 C.农村信用社员工不准上班期间炒股 D.农村信用社员工不准购买基金 [单项选择]在机械稳定运转的一个运动循环中,应有()
A. 惯性力和重力所作之功均为零; B. 惯性力所作之功为零,重力所作之功不为零; C. 惯性力和重力所作之功均不为零 D. 惯性力所作之功不为零,重力所作之功为零。 [多项选择]股票市盈率的估计的主要方法有( )。
A. 简单估计法 B. 回归分析法 C. 试算法 D. 现金贴现法 [多选题]用于VHP灭菌效果确认的有哪些()
A.培养皿 B.化学指示卡 C.内毒素指示剂 D.生物指示剂 [单选题] 列车中车辆的连挂,由( )负责。(应知应会《技规》第265条)
A. 调车作业人员 B. 机车乘务员 C. 装卸人员 D. 列检人员 [单项选择]下列不是目前医疗常用的热切除物理能源的为()。
A. 射频 B. 激光 C. 高强聚焦超声 D. 微波 E. 红外线 [单项选择]The main idea of this passage is that ______
A. employers are checking more closely on applicants now B. lying about college degrees has become a widespread problem C. college degrees can now be purchased easily D. employers are no longer interested in college degrees [判断题] 法人金融机构不可以委托独立第三方开展风险评估。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某工程采暖制冷系统出现严重问题给业主造成损失,经查,其主要原因是施工企业使用的采暖制冷系统不符合施工图设计文件要求。根据《民用建筑节能条例》,该施工企业应当承担的法律责任有()。
A. 由建设主管部门责令改正,处以罚款 B. 情节严重的,吊销资质证书 C. 逾期不改正的,处以罚款 D. 责令停业整顿,降低资质等级 E. 依法承担刑事责任 [单选题]机务段直接行车有关人员、机车试运转有关人员,凭( )可登乘本段机车。
A.工作证 B.介绍信 C.登乘机车证 [单选题]SS4型电力机车TPZ15型电子柜B组控制系统只能实现( )控制。
A.牵引、制动工况 B.制动工况 C.防空转 D.空电联合制动 [填空题]公园服务半径指公园为市民服务的距离,即( )到游人住地的距离。
[单选题]某生产企业(增值税一般纳税人),2020 年 4 月销售货物取得含税销售额 500 万元,为销售货物出租包装物 收取押金 13 万元,约定 3 个月内返还;当月没收逾期未退还包装物的押金 2 万元。该企业 2020 年 4 月上述业务 计税销售额为( )万元。
A.500 B.515 C.444.25 D.455.75 [判断题]泵体的安装高度一定要小于允许吸上真空高度( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交