There are several ways you can find out
about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who
(41) to the places, or you can go and see a (42)
film about them, (43) you can read travel
books. (44) would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, (45) account of travel which the author has actually (46) himself. If they are informative and have a good index, (47) they can be useful to you when you (48) your travel. The second kind are those books (49) purpose is to give a purely objective (50) of things to be done and seen. If a (51) , cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can (52) as a selective guide book. The third kind are those books which are called A. practical B. current C. private D. functional [单选题]根据建筑物的使用功能和空调系统的特点,智能建筑中多采用的空调系统的方式是( )。
A.半集中式空调系统 B.集中式空调系统 C.混合式空调系统 D.分散式空调系统 [填空题]直流双臂电桥是专门用来测量()的比较仪表。
A.空电客车 B.工程车 C.救援列车 D.调试列车 [单项选择]纵隔扑动(Mediastinal flutter)最常见于()
A. 连枷胸(FlailChest) B. 吸吮伤(SuckingWounD. C. 闭合性气胸(ClosedPneumothorax) D. 开放性气胸(OpenPneumothorax) E. 张力性气胸(TensionPneumothorax) [单项选择]目前对于大量数据存储来说,容量大、成本低、技术成熟、广泛使用的介质是()
A. 磁盘 B. 磁带 C. 光盘 D. 自软盘 [单项选择]某厂劳动生产率计划比上年提高8%,实际仅提高4%,则其计划完成百分数为()
A. 96.30% B. 50% C. 4% D. 103.85% [判断题]银行信贷资金来源总量是一个时期总量指标,也是一个资金余额指标。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高血压伴有哮喘的患者应禁用
A.血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂 B.利尿剂 C.钙通道阻滞剂 D.血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 E.β受体阻断药 [单项选择]HEALTHSURE - for you and your family
Many health insurance policies only cover the payments you have to make when you go into hospital, but with Healthsure, you are refunded for routine visits as well. In addition, we guarantee to refund you within 2 to 4 weeks. Healthsure is an organisation which puts the interests of its members before profits. This means we offer very low membership rates. On average, E1.40 is debited from your bank account each week, so you won’t ever need to worry about forgetting to send payment. It’s easy to join Healthsure. Just fill in the application form and name the members of your family you wish to include on the policy. If you, your partner, or one of your children has to go into hospital, we will pay a daily allowance. These cash payments are not taxed, and we aim to deal with claims within 72 hours. So, why wait any longer Apply now and benefit from our caring approach to health care. Phone us free on 0800 885511 (24-hour number) for A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say [多选题]重油催化裂化装置设备腐蚀严重的系统有( )等。
A.一中回流系统 B.原料油系统 C.分馏塔顶油气冷却系统 D.吸收稳定系统 [单项选择]当其他因素不变而潮气量(TV)增加时,将增加的肺通气功能指标是
A. 补呼气量 B. 补吸气量 C. 残气量 D. 肺泡通气量 [单选题]志愿消防员至少()参加一次业务技能培训,培训时间不少于()课时。
A.每个月;2 B.每季度;3 C.每半年;2 D.每半年;3 [简答题]Word:
女性肥胖不但影响日常工作、生活和美观,而且还容易患有癌症。日本一研究小组对15054例成年女性进行了长达9年的随访调查,最终发现有668例女性发生癌症。经统计学分析后发现,与正常体重的女性相比,超重或肥胖的女性发生癌症的危险要上升29%~47%;女性体重指数越高则患乳腺癌、结肠直肠癌、子宫内膜癌和胆囊癌的危险越大。研究提示,超重肥胖是女性发生癌症的危险因素。那么有没有什么方法使女性既能减肥又能防癌呢确实有,可以常吃苹果。 萍果对健康有利,更是女性健康的守护神。吃苹果最好连皮一起吃,因为与苹果肉相比,苹果皮中黄酮类化合物含量较高,抗氧化活性也较强。 考试要求: 1.将所有文字的字体、字号、颜色设置为:四号黑体蓝色。 2.将所有文字设置为右对齐。 3.将本文中的所有“苹果”替换为“APPLE”。 [单项选择]冬季规定备用泵每()小时盘车一次
A. 0.5 B. 1.0 C. 1.5 [多选题]遇交通事故肇事车辆逃逸时要记下( )
A.车牌号码 B.车身颜色 C.车型 D.车速 [判断题]【判断】网点人员可使用“内部管理-定价-对私银信通-收费退款”路径,退还已收取的银信通“用卡无忧”手续费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各题使用如下表的数据: