A study reveals that the brain areas
that respond when fear is learned through personal experience are al-so
triggered when we see someone else in distress. In the study, participants watched a short video of a person conditioned to fear a so-called neutral stimulus-something people normally wouldn’t fear--paired with something they find naturally aversive (令人讨厌的), in this case an electrical shock. The person in the video watched colored squares on a computer screen: When a blue square appeared, the person received a mild shock; when a yellow square appeared, there was no shock. The participant in the video responded with distress when the blue square appeared—he would blink hard, tense his cheek muscles and move his hand. "So it’s clear that he’s uncomfortable, he’s in distress," said study team member Andreas Olsson of A. regards his father’s reaction as funny B. feels scared by his father’s unusual behavior C. learn the fear from his father’s response D. turns to his mother for parental protection [多选题]能引起急性上腹痛的外科疾病有( )
A.胃溃疡病穿孔 B.胆石症 C.胆道蛔虫病 D.急性阑尾炎 [判断题]地主阶级与买办性的大资产阶级的基本政治主张,是建立一个名符其实的资产阶级共和国,以便让资本主义得到自由和充分的发展,使中国成为一个独立的资本主义社会。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]政策执行者在原政策基础上自行设置“土政策”,打着结合地方实际的旗号另搞一套,自行其是,谋取私利,从而导致政策变形。这种行为被称为:()。
A. 政策敷衍 B. 政策缺损 C. 政策附加 D. 政策替代 [判断题]滑车的缺陷应及时焊补补强。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]尾矿水在坝体、坝肩和坝基土中受重力作用总是由高处向低处渗透流动。
[单项选择]由于投资教育所带来的国民收入增加的总和是 【 】
A. 教育纯收益 B. 教育纯收益率 C. 教育收益 D. 教育收益率 [单选题]抱杆缆风绳与抱杆顶部及地锚的连接应牢固可靠;缆风绳与地面的夹角一般应小于( )。
A.30° B.45° C.60° D.90° [简答题]试述如何创设问题情境。
[单选题]水平敷设的电缆,当对电缆间距有要求时,每隔( )处应加以固定。
A.1~3m B.3~5m C.5~10m D.10~15m [单选题]以下项目应计提折旧的是()。
A.经营租入的固定资产 B.已提足折旧继续使用的固定资产 C.已建成未使用的房屋、建筑物以外的固定资产 D.当月增加的固定资产 我来回答: 提交