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< [多项选择]病历摘要:患者男性,19岁,因心悸气促2天入院。既往有心脏病史。体检:心率180次/分,胸骨左缘第3肋间闻及4/6级收缩期杂音,伴震颤,P2亢进。此时最重要的检查时什么().
A. 超声心动图 B. 心电图 C. Holter D. 平板运动试验 E. 血电解质测定 F. 血脂测定 [单项选择]Discussions about reducing greenhouse gas emissions usually concentrate on cleaner ways of generating energy: that’s because they promise that we can lower emissions without having to change our energy-hungry ways. But whereas new generation techniques take years to come on stream, efficiency can be improved today, with existing technologies and know-how.
To calculate how much energy could be saved through such improvements, Julian Allwood and colleagues at the University of Cambridge analysed the buildings, vehicles and industry around us and applied "best practice" efficiency changes to them. They found that 73 percent of global energy use could be saved by introducing such changes. Many people are unaware of the scale of opportunities for reducing energy demand, says Allwood. By showing how global energy demand can fall to a quarter of its current level without any decline in services, the team hope to redress the balance. "We think it’s pretty unlikely that we’ll find a g A. introduce the new improvements to save more energy B. analyse the buildings, vehicles and industry around us C. change the way we use energy and thus lower emissions D. work out the amount of energy saved by efficiency changes [单选题]"中药不过是些树皮草根,多用少用没关系"、"中药有病能治病,无病能健身,无毒、无副作用"等
观点.导致一些人过量用药产生不良反映.这一情况告诉我们( ) A. 矛盾既有普遍性又有特殊性 B. 要坚持一分为二地看问题 C. 量变是质变的前提,有量变就会引起质变 D. 传统思想和传境观念不利于事物的发展 [多选题]现场工作开工前,工作负责人应组织全体作业人员学习标准作业卡,重点交代( )等
A.人员分工 B.关键工序 C.安全风险辨识 D.预控措施 [简答题]移动式泡沫灭火系统是由那几部分组成的?
[单选题]气卸式散装粉状货物罐车上卸车组装时卸料管须垂直,U60WK、U61WK、GF2K系列喇叭口至多孔板上平面的距离须符合( )mm,超限时可安装钢垫圈调整
A.70±3 B.72±3 C.75±3 D.78±3 [单选题] 贫血治疗有效最早升高的指标
A.血红蛋白 B.红细胞计数 C.红细胞压积 D.网织红细胞数E 红细胞平均体积 [单项选择]共享监视策略能监视哪些操作?()
A. 新建 B. 删除 C. 修改 D. 查看 [多项选择]红军西路军古浪烈士陵园内修建的纪念设施有()。
A. 红九军烈士墓 B. 古浪战役纪念馆 C. 陈伯稚纪念亭 D. 古浪战役纪念碑 E. 西路群英雕塑 [多项选择]影响CVP的病理因素包括( )
A. 房颤 B. 血管升压素分泌升高 C. PEEP D. 心包填塞 E. 右心衰竭 [单项选择]可以导致牙龈出血的系统性疾病不包括()
A. 维生素C缺乏 B. 肝脏疾病 C. 血友病 D. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜 E. 艾迪生病 [判断题](49082)( )车钩受到冲击时的,受力的先后顺序为钩舌销、护销突缘、冲击突肩。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《烟草专卖法实施条例》规定,烟草专用机械的购进、出售、转让,必须经 批准。
A.. 国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门 B.. 省级烟草专卖行政主管部门 C..县级烟草专卖行政主管部门 [判断题]运营正线走行轨由轨头到轨底贯通断裂为一级安全事件。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]建设项目的( )应当具备相应的资质,并对其工作成果负责。
The Conscientious Tourist Tourism continues to surge as a world economic force, contributing nearly $5.5 trillion to the world’s economy in 2004. A growing trend in travel is the desire of many tourists (1) non-typical tourist experiences, such as "ethical" adventures. Ecotourism, geotourism, and pro-poor tourism are (2) the increasingly popular niches in the travel industry that aim to address consumers’ ethical concerns, reports the Worldwatch Institute. Which hotel more actively (3) the environment Which (4) better support of its local community Such questions may be more important to vacationers than a hotel’s proximity to the beach (5) the type of mint left on the pillow. One (6) driving this conscientious tourism is the growth of international travel, which exposes visitors (7) the impacts they may have on the cultures and environments they (8) . Intern [单项选择]乙炔气的气瓶,每 ()年检验一次。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 2 [判断题]如果故障车门不能切除,或者切除后、但门页间缝隙大于10厘米且不能活动时,司机报行调并通知车站派人监控故障车门。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以欺骗手段取得银行或者其他金融机构货构贷款,票据承兑、信用证、保函等,给银行或者其他金融机构造成重大损失或者有其他严重情节的,处( )有期徒刑或者拘役。
A. 2年以下 B. 3年以下 C. 5年以下 D. 10年以下 [单项选择]下列关于缺口的说法,错误的是( )。
A. 缺口,通常又称为跳空,是指证券价格在快速大幅波动中没有留下任何交易的一段真空区域 B. 缺口的出现往往伴随着向某个方向运动的一种较强动力。缺口的宽度表明这种运动的强弱。一般来说,缺口越宽,运动的动力越大;反之,则越小 C. 持续性缺口具有的一个比较明显的特征是,它一般会在3日内回补;同时,成交量很小,很少有主动的参与者 D. 一般来说,突破缺口形态确认以后,无论价位(指数)的升跌情况如何,投资者都必须立即作出买入或卖出的指令,即向上突破缺口被确认立即买入;向下突破缺口被确认立即卖出,因为突破缺口一旦形成,行情走势必将向突破方向纵深发展 [单项选择] Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passages. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. {{B}}Passage One{{/B}}