A -- hospitality
B -- order dishes
C -- specialty
D -- spice
E -- beverage
F -- champagne
G -- soda water
H -- hot
I -- delicate
J -- bitter
K -- crisp duck
L -- multi-flavor chicken slice
M -- steamed twisted roll
N -- spring roll
O -- congee
Whoever said that victory has many
fathers and defeat is an orphan, surely had never heard of the World Trade
organization (WTO). In the case of the hapless multilateral trade body and its
long suffering representatives, the total failure of the opening meeting of the
so-called Millennium trade round has lots of people boasting of their role in
the violent physical struggle. Well. That’s just brilliant. They are proud of
being part of a movement that wants to wreck the most important engine of
economic growth, prosperity and overall global rising living standards we
have--the freedom of trade and movement of people and goods between
nations. The 135-members WTO is composed of sovereign governments wishing to further this goal and ease the settlement of international trade disputes. From the sounds emanating from Seattle, though, it would now seem the W A. serve as arbiters in international trade disputes. B. ensure cheap export and import of goods unnecessarily. C. bring about the globalization of world’s trades. D. encourage free trade and goods exchanges worldwide. [单项选择]对精子肉芽肿的镜下描述错误的是()
A. 早期以中性粒细胞渗出为主 B. 是精子溢出后引起的化脓性炎症 C. 组织细胞和上皮样细胞围绕精子形成肉芽肿性炎 D. 巨噬细胞的胞质内可见金黄色色素 E. 晚期发生纤维化 [单项选择]可用于香豆素类过量引起的自发性出血的对抗药是
A. 维生素K B. 硫酸鱼精蛋白 C. 氨甲苯酸 D. 氨甲环酸 E. 叶酸 [多选题]乘客投诉的调查处理工作要遵循( )原则。
A.处理及时、客观、公正的原则 B.现场处理为辅的原则 C.逐级上报,防止投诉升级的原则 D.遵循事事有调查,件件有回复的原则 [填空题]闽南工夫茶艺的冲泡,以安溪()为主,注重香高;味醇;茶浓,现以十四道程序冲泡。
A.对法人义务机构的监管应当侧重大额交易和可疑交易报告制度建立、系统建设和内部管理体系的整体情况 B.对非法人义务机构的监管应当侧重大额交易和可疑交易报告工作的具体执行情况 C.法人义务机构总部不直接办理业务的,通过其分支机构的相关执行情况验证总部相关工作情况 D.对义务机构履行大额交易和可疑交易报告义务情况的监管无需将义务机构总部制度、流程、系统建设情况与其分支机构实际操作情况进行相互验证 [判断题]易燃易爆物品可以储存建筑物的地下室、半地下室内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]物业的名称应当以( )的名称为准。
A. 当地政府主管部门登记 B. 当地物业主管部门审核 C. 当地政府主管部门审定 D. 当地行政主管部门记录 [判断题]UME网管SPU模块热补丁升级任务完成热补丁升级以后需要保留,便于进行热补丁卸载。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列系统中,水流报警装置不宜采用水流指示器的是( )。
A.湿式系统 B.重复启闭预作用系统 C.干式系统 D.用于防火分隔的水幕系统 [多选题]大型商业综合体火灾扑救中,首批到场力量充分利用消防控制室侦察了解( )等情况,核实相关建筑消防设施启用情况。
A.起火部位 B.充烟区域 C.人员疏散 D.进攻通道 我来回答: 提交