John F. Kennedy was the youngest American to be elected president of the United States. During the World War II John F. Kennedy had an outstanding record in the Navy. After the war Kennedy worked briefly as a newspaperman, then entered politics. He was three times elected to the House of Representatives before becoming a senator from Massachusetts. In 1960 he was elected president in a very close race in which there were charges of irregularities.
Kennedy’s term of office was marked by the achievements in appeals to idealism, a broad participation of people in politics, and improved civil rights. In international affairs, Kennedy saw the failure of the American-backed invasion of Cuban missile crisis which brought Russia and the United States to the brink of war.
The Kennedy family has experienced victories and tragedy. One of John Kennedy’s sisters was mentally backward and an old brother was killed in the war. John Kennedy was assassinated as was his
A. John Kennedy’s elder brother was killed in the war.
B. John Kennedy was assassinated by his brother Robert Kennedy.
C. One of Kennedy’s sisters was slow in her mental development.
D. Kennedy family has suffered scandals for generations
Can you imagine how different your life would be if you did not know how to read and write Many of the things you (41) for granted during an ordinary day (42) no longer be possible if you could not read. You would miss the basic (43) you depend on for simple activities -- (44) from following instructions on a medicine bottle to (45) traffic signs. If you could not read (46) , newspapers, and magazines, you would be out of (47) with the world around you. Your understanding of that world would be limited even further (48) the insight(见识) provided by stories, poems, and novels. If you (49) not write, you would be unable to record information and ideas for other people. (50) , you would lose the personal pleasure of keeping a (51) to explore your private thoughts, creating an (52) world in a story, or capturing your feelings (53) the words of a poem or song.
Try to imagine how different
A. of course
B. moreover
C. however
D. in addition
The key to the industrialization of space is the
U.S. space shuttle. (51) it, astronauts will acquire a
workhouse vehicle (52) of flying into space and returning
many times. (53) by reusable rockets that can lift a load of
65 000 pounds, the shuttle will carry devices for scientific inquiry, as well as
a variety of military hardware. (54) more significantly, it
will deliver materials and machines into space for industrial purposes
(55) two decades ago when "sputnik" (artificial satellite)
was added to the vocabulary. In short, the (56) importance
of the shuttle lies in its promise as an economic tool. What makes the space shuttle (57) is that it takes off l A. unimagined B. unsettled C. uncovered D. unsolved [单选题]集团公司“五条禁令”第三条:禁止( )下达前,施工人员改变设备状态。
A.调度命令 B.天窗计划 C.计划 D.调度计划 [多选题]在危险品箱区作业时应注意( )。
A.油罐箱只能堆两层高 B.无横梁油罐箱上面不能压箱 C.作业时要轻拿轻放 D.油龙不能在危险品场地内加油 E.高温天气要定时洒水降温 [判断题]《生产安全事故应急条例》第九条规定:县级以上人民政府负有安全 生产监督管理职责的部门根据生产安全事故应急工作的实际需要.在重点行业.领域单独建立或者依托有条件的生产经营单位、社会组织共同建立应急救援 队伍。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]101-128车门系统的工作原理:全套门系统只有中央电机一个动力源,如果从动力传递的角度出发,门系统分为两条主线( )。
A.电机—齿带—辊式滑车组成—门扇 B.电机—解锁拉杆—连杆系统(含旋转立柱)—门扇 C.电机—齿带—旋转立柱—门扇 D.电机—锁闭拉杆—辊式滑车组成—门扇 [单项选择]对于焦炉炭化室内气体来说,其析出途径分为里行气和外行气,( )。
A. 外行气为胶质固化和半焦热解产生的气体,组成和里行气不同 B. 外行气体量小 C. 外行气进入炉顶空间之前经过高温区,没有受到二次热解的作用 D. 里行气进入炉顶空间之前经过高温区,受到二次热解的作用 [单选题]跨区间及区间无缝线路和无缝道岔上的绝缘接头必须采用胶接绝缘,其质量应符合钢轨胶接绝缘接头标准要求,钢轨端面与绝缘端板之间应密贴,间隙不应大于()mm,左右两股钢轨绝缘接头应相对铺设,且绝缘接头轨缝绝缘端板距轨枕边不宜小于()mm。《修规》第3.10.12条
A.1;100 B.2;100 C.1;200 D.2;200 [单选题]持票人超过提示付款期提示付款被拒付的,若持票人在提示付款期内曾发出过提示付款,则可向___拒付追索。
A.出票人 B.承兑人 C.背书人 D.所有前手 [判断题]数字电路分为分立元件的数字电路和数字集成电路。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防艇主要用于( )。
A.水上交通工具灭火救援 B.沿江(河、湖)建筑物火灾扑救 C.水上救生 D.流淌水面油类处理 E.对陆上灭火消防车支援 [判断题]Je4B3236 变压器套管法兰螺丝紧固时,不需要沿圆周均( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《票据法》规定,银行汇票的绝对记载事项为( )。
A. 付款日期 B. 付款地 C. 出票地 D. 出票日期 [单项选择]What does Daniel find most attractive about his profession
A. visibility B. high salary C. high pressure D. feeling of accomplishment [判断题]露天爆破装药前,遇大雾天气能见度不超过100m时应停止爆破。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )扑救建筑内部区域的火势时,水枪手应位于燃烧区域 位置,首先切断烟火蔓延途径,然后逐步推进灭火。
A.侧下风 B.下风 C.上风 D.侧上风 我来回答: 提交