One of the quickest and most effective
ways to improve your vocabulary is by learning to recognize the most common
Latin and Greek roots, since any one of them can help you define a number of
English words. Whenever you come upon an unfamiliar word, first check to see if
it has a recognizable root. If you know that the Latin root "ami" for example,
means like or love, you can easily figure out that "amiable" means pleasant,
friendly and "amorous" means loving. Even ff you cannot define a word exactly,
recognizing the root will still give you a general idea of the word’s meaning.
Remembering that the Greek root "geo" means earth would certainly help you
define "geophysics" as the physics of the earth, but it also might help you
figure out that "geocentric" has to do with the center of the earth or with the
earth as a center. Begin by stu A. the earth B. the moon C. the ocean D. the minerals [多选题]《电力供应与使用条例》规定电力供应与使用双方应当根据(____)原则签订供用电合同,确定双方的权利与义务。
A.平等自愿 B.统一调度 C.协商一致 D.分级管理 [单项选择]存在残余应力的工件处于()状态。
A. 稳定 B. 不稳定 C. 相对稳定 [判断题]搬运、装卸有毒、有害物品时,必须按规定穿戴防护用品。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高铁技规规定车辆按用途分为客车、货车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]如何进行授信保证金质押资金控制管理()
A.应签订保证金质押合同/协议 B.应对保证金账户进行资金控制 C.保证金被冻结应及时采取补救措施 D.应规范信息系统操作 [多选题]项目监理机构编制的工程质量评估报告应包括的内容有()。
A.工程参建单位 B.工程质量验收情况 C.竣工验收情况 D.监理工作经验与教训 E.工程质量事故处理情况 [多选题]生产经营单位应当对( ),及时进行上岗前安全生产教育和培训。
A.安保人员 B.离岗3个月以上 C.换岗的从业人员 D.采用新技术、新工艺、新材料或者使用新设备后的有关从业人员 [单选题]一级/二级动火作业许可的延期次数不大于( )次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]距离丈量时需三人,站在丈量前进方向前端的人,是前尺手,也称前链。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《国网陕西省电力有限公司安全工作奖惩实施办法》造成人身死亡的一般事故(四级人身事件)负有主要及同等责任事故责任单位(基层单位)核减当年工资总额的( )。
A. 1% B. 4% C. 6% D. 8% 我来回答: 提交