The English Weather{{/B}} "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather". This statement, often made by Englishmen to describe the strange weather conditions of their country, is both revealing and true. It is revealing because in it we see the Englishman insisting once again that what happens in England is not the same as what happens elsewhere. Its truth can be proved by any foreigner who stays in the country for longer than a few days. In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a warm spring morning; an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday it A. you can experience four seasons every day throughout the year B. it does not have four seasons as other countries do C. winter there is the coldest in the world D. you may experience different types of weather in a single day [单选题]欧姆定律:在 不变的情况下,导体中的电流跟导体的电阻成反比。
A.电阻 B.电位 C.电能 D.电压 [单选题]2.178.第178题
直闪法适用于下面何种类型故障()。 A.高阻接地或短路故障; B.低阻接地或短路故障; C.断线并接地故障; D.接地故障 [简答题]简述畜牧企业资金来源主要渠道有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]经一系列检查明确病人有肝硬化,食管静脉曲张,脾肿大,无黄疸,此病人若手术治疗,不宜行下列哪项手术
A. 脾切除,脾肾分流术 B. 脾切除,门腔限制性分流术 C. 脾切除,贲门周围血管离断术 D. 脾切除,脾腔分流术 E. 单纯脾切除术 [填空题]允许速度不大于160km/h区段,钢轨顶面上有长度大于( )且深度大于10mm的掉块时,判定为钢轨折断。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某施工单位未按规定对商品钢筋进行验收,后由于商品钢筋不合格致使工程停工被迫炸毁,则该施工单位可能承受的不利法律后果是( )。
A. 罚款但不影响企业资质,需承担赔偿责任 B. 罚款且影响企业资质,并承担赔偿责任 C. 罚款但不影响企业资质,且不用承担赔偿责任 D. 罚款影响企业资质,但不用承担法律责任 [判断题]停电作业时,作业人员与周围带电设备的距离不得小于以下规定:33-35KV为1500mm,10KV及以下为1000mm,DC1500V为700mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 半导体屏蔽纸除了起均匀电场作用外,也可以起()作用。
A. 改善老化 B. 改善绝缘 C. 改善温度 D. 改善老化和绝缘性能 [单项选择]如果企业资源雄厚,可以考虑实行______营销。
A. 无差异市场 B. 差异市场 C. 集中市场 D. 同质市场 [简答题]
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