Questions 6-10 are based on the following
passage. To understand the failings of existing farm programs, it’s important to understand the roots of the current farm crisis. At the heart of the problem is money—how much there is and how much it costs to borrow. A farmer is a debtor almost by definition. In my own state, it’s not unusual for a wheat farmer with 1,000 acres to owe several hundred thousand dollars for land and machinery. In addition to making payments on these loans, it’s common for such a farmer to borrow about $40,000 each spring to cover fertilizer, diesel fuel, seed, and other operating expenses. The months before the harvest will be anxious ones as the farmer contemplates all the things that could bring: financial hardship, bad weather, crop disease, insects, falling commodity prices. If he has a good year, the farmer can repay A. high interest rates have an immediate effect on the farming industry B. the Federal Reserve Board’s policies will stimulate the export market C. reduction of costs is a sure way to gain long-term profitability to the farmers D. radical reforms are essential for the increase of productivity [填空题]It was snowing whole night through. When I got up, I 76.______
found that the road was covered with snow. Everything 77.______ around ourselves was white. There were a lot of bikes. 78.______ Suddenly I saw a girl fell from the bicycle. She tried to 79.______ get up but fail. She had no choice but to lie on the 80.______ snow. I ran up to help her with hesitation (犹豫). 81.______ Her left leg broken and she couldn’ t stand up at all. 82.______ I called for a taxi. The taxi driver took her to the 83.______ near hospital. I went with her. At the hospital she 84.______ was well taken care. And I felt as if I had grown up. 85.______ [多选题]异常状态是指:设备的几个状态量明显异常,已影响设备的( ),仍能继续运行。
A.A.技术指标 B.B.性能指标 C.C.安全运行 D.D.可能发展成严重状态 [单项选择]肺痈溃脓期选方为()
A. 肺阴虚 B. 咳嗽、咳血、潮热、盗汗 C. 咳吐、浊唾涎沫 D. 肺阴亏损 E. 肺痿 [填空题]拥护孙中山三大政策的只有廖仲恺、()、何香凝等左派成员。
A. 图形背景分辨困难 B. 视空间失认 C. 空间定位障碍 D. 结构性失用 E. 形状定向障碍 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Screen Test
1 Every year millions of women are screened with X-rays to pick up signs of breast cancer. If this happens early enough,the disease can often be treated successfully.According to a survey published last year,2 1 countries have screening programs.Nine of them,including Australia,Canada,the US and Spain, screen women under 50. 2 But the medical benefits of screening these younger women are controversial,partly because the radiation brings a small risk of inducing cancer. Also,younger women must be given higher doses of X-rays because their breast tissue is denser. 3 Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia analyzed the effect of screening more than 160,000 women at 11 local clinics.After estimating the women's cumulative dose of radiation,they used two models to calculate the number of extra cancers this would cause. 4 The mathematical model recommended by Britain's National Radiological Protection Board (NRP B)predicted that the screening program would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women,18 of them fatal.The model preferred by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation led to a lower figure of 20 cancers. 5 The researchers argue that the level of radiation-induced cancers is"not very significant"compared to the far larger number of cancers that are discovered and treated.The Valencia program,they say,detects between 300 and 450 cases of breast cancer in every 100,000 women screened. 6 But they point out that the risk of women contracting cancer from radiation could be reduced by between 40 and 80 percent if screening began at 50 instead of 45,because they would be exposed to less radiation.The results of their study,they suggest,could help"optimize the technique"for breast cancer screening. 7 "There is a trade-off between the diagnostic benefits of breast screening and its risks," admits Michael Clark of the NRP B.But he warns that the study should be interpreted with caution."On the basis of the current data,for every 10 cancers successfully detected and prevented there is a risk of causing one later in life.That'S why radiation exposure should be minimized in any screening program." Advantages of screening women under 50 are_________. costly B.harmful a life D.still open to debate E.reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer F.reduced to the minimum 我来回答: 提交