The miserable fate of Enron’s employees
will be a landmark in business history, one of those awful events that everyone
agrees must never be allowed to happen again. This urge is understandable and
noble, thousands have lost virtually all their retirement savings with the
demise of Enron stock. But making sure it never happens again may not be
possible, because the sudden impoverishment of those Enron workers represents
something even larger than it seems. It’s the latest turn in the unwinding of
one of the most audacious promise of the 20th century. The promise was assured economic security--even comfort--for essentially everyone in the developed world. With the explosion of wealth, that began in the 19th century it became possible to think about a possibility no one had dared to dream before. The fear at the center of daily living since caveman day A. (A) people’s outlook on life B. (B) people’s life styles C. (C) people’s living standard D. (D) people’s social values [判断题]116、班组核算是以小班为单位进行工程量、材料和用工量以及直接成本的计算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]凡在坠落高度基准面( )m 及以上有可能坠落的高处进行的作业称为高处作业。
A.1 B.2 C.3 [单项选择]无损预测编码系统和有损预测编码系统的主要区别是()。
A. 无损预测编码系统比有损预测编码系统多出量化器部分 B. 有损预测编码系统比无损预测编码系统多出量化器部分 C. 无损预测编码系统比有损预测编码系统多出反馈部分 D. 有损预测编码系统比无损预测编码系统多出反馈部分 [简答题]特种设备分哪两大类?
A.办理使用登记的 B.制定特种设备事故应急专项预案的 C.建立特种设备安全技术档案 D.未及时申报并接受检验的 [多选题]高精度定位是依托( ),提供实时动态亚米级、厘米级和静态毫米级的定位服务。
A.北斗地面基准站网络 B.实时监测系统 C.高精度定位平台 难易程度.中(孙峰) 解析.《关于下发2021年交通行业“两个清单”发展指导意见的通知陕移收〔2021〕818号》 [单选题]平头支撑钉适用于( )平面的定位。
A.已加工 B.未加工 C.未加工过的侧面 D.都可以 我来回答: 提交