(46) U.S. farmers are planting more acres of crops using soil building and pollution fighting faming systems than traditional methods that rely on the plow or intensive tillage, according to a report due to be released early next month.
The report, titled "National Crop Residue Management Survey," shows a 6 million acre gain for environmentally friendly farming systems this year.
(47) It also shows traditional farming methods, which result in greater soil erosion and run off from fields, declined by 4 million acres.
(48) The survey, conducted on a county-by-county basis by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, indicates that farmers in Iowa, Illinois, South Dakota, Kansas, and Indiana contributed the most to the increase in acres grown with environmentally friendly farming systems known as conservation tillage systems.
These states accounted for 5 million of the 6 million acre increase in conservation tillage t
It is an astonishing fact that there
are laws of nature, rules that summarize conveniently- (1)
qualitatively but quantitatively-how the world works. We might
(2) a universe in which there are no such laws, in which the
1080 elementary particles that (3) a universe like our own
behave with utter and uncompromising abandon. To understand such a universe we
would need a brain (4) as massive as the universe. It
seems (5) that such a universe could have life and
intelligence, because being and brains (6) some degree of
internal stability and order. But (7) in a much more random
universe there were such beings with an intelligence much (8)
than our own, there could not be much knowledge, passion or joy. (9) for us, we live in a universe that has at least important parts that are know A. likely B. unlikely C. really D. unreal [单项选择]Americans are people obsessed with child-rearing. In their books, magazines, talk shows, parent training courses, White House conferences, and chats over the back fence, they endlessly debate the best ways to raise children. Moreover, Americans do more than debate their theories; they translate them into action. They erect playgrounds for the youngsters’ pleasure, equip large schools for their education, and train skilled specialists for their welfare. Whole industries in America are devoted to making children happy, healthy and wise.
But this interest in childhood is relatively new. In fact, until very recently people considered childhood just a brief, unimportant prelude to adulthood and the real business of living. By and large they either ignored children, beat them, or fondled them carelessly, much as we would amuse ourselves with a litter of puppies. When they gave serious thought to children at all, people either conceived of them as miniature adults or as peculiar, unforme A. Cynical. B. Indifferent. C. Positive. D. Neutral. [单项选择]男性,34岁,不慎从2楼坠落,即刻出现胸闷、气急。到医院就诊,发现患者呼吸困难,烦躁不安,有发绀。血压10/7kPa,胸部和颈部见皮下气肿,左侧胸部饱满,叩诊鼓音。首先应采用的处理是()
A. 气管插管,呼吸机辅助呼吸 B. 镇静药物 C. 胸腔穿刺 D. 补液、输血治疗 E. 剖胸探查 [判断题]组织是指具有自身职能和行政管理的公司、集团公司、商行、企事业单位、政府机构、社团或其结合体,或上述单位中具有自身职能和行政管理的一部分,无论其是否具有法人资格,公营或私营。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]当空气中可燃性气体浓度达到或超过报警设定值时,可燃气体检测仪能自动发出声光报警信号,提醒有关人员及时采取预防措施,避免事故的发生,给救援人员提供安全的救援环境。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交