A scientist In today’s society we are
now seeing more children under the age of twelve developing eating disorders. It
is estimated that 40% of nine year olds have already dieted and we axe beginning
to see four and five year olds expressing the need to diet. It’s a shame that
children so young are being robbed of their childhoods. Why is it that so many
young children are becoming obsessed with dieting and their weight I feel the
family environment has a lot to do with it, along with the fact that children
are constantly being exposed to the message society gives about the importance
of being thin. Children raised in a dysfunctional family are at a higher risk for developing an eating disorder. In a home where physical or sexual abuse is taking place, the child may turn to an eating disorder to gain a A. the general situation of eating disorders in the group of children B. the reason why children are suffered from eating disorders C. the steps parents should take to prevent their children from eating disorders D. all of the above [单选题]呈短段状,茎略呈方柱形,节略膨大,其上有对生叶痕,气微,味极苦的饮片是
A.薄荷 B.广藿香 C.荆芥 D.青蒿 E.穿心莲 [单选题]黑暗的情况下,为了观察方便,警察最好不要站在()。
A.黑暗处 B.灯光下 C.隐蔽物后 D.离灯光远处 [判断题]无水氯化钙又名冰钙。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]煤气系统停电,应立即减风,同时立即出净渣、铁,防止高炉发生灌渣、烧穿等事故;若煤气系统停电时间较长,则应根据煤气厂(车间)要求休风或切断煤气。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]诉讼时效中止的情形( )
A.不可抗力 B.权利人申请仲裁 C.无民事行为能力人没有法定代理人 D.权利人向义务人请求权利 [名词解释]凿
正确 错误 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]经济全球化已成为当今世界经济发展的重要趋势,其明显表现有()
A.国际直接投资迅速增长,投资格局多元化 B.跨国公司越来越成为世界经济的主导力量 C.国际贸易成为各国经济不可缺少的组成部分 D.国际金融交易总额大大超过国际贸易总量 [填空题]
Old people are always saying that the young people are not (31) they were. The same comment is made (32) generation to generation and it is always (33) . It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy (34) freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so (35) on their parents. Events which the old generation remember vividly are (36) more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is (37) from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed. [多选题]下列关于“净经营资产增加”的计算,表达式错误的有
( )。 A.资本支出-折旧与摊销 B.本期净负债增加+本期股东权益增加 C.税后经营净利润-实体现金流量 D.经营营运资本增加+资本支出 [判断题]在R≤300m的曲线上铺设轨排时,必须采取安全措施,防止叠层轨排偏移倾倒。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当初步设计深度不够,设备清单不完备,只有主体设备或仅有成套设备重量时,可采用( )编制设备安装工程概算。
A. 概算指标法 B. 类似工程预算法 C. 预算单价法 D. 扩大单价法 [多项选择]有关甲状腺功能亢进下列临床表现正确的是()。
A. 甲状腺弥漫性肿大 B. 精神不振、嗜睡 C. 食欲亢进,体重减轻 D. 突眼 E. 心悸 [单选题]( )是指实现指定电气或相关功能,并处于实时发电、输电、变电、配电和供电状态下的设备或设施。
A.运用设备 B.备用设备 C.运行设备 D.检修设备 [单选题]甲、乙、丙、丁四人在一起讨论本班同学申请银行助学贷款的情况。甲:“我们班所有同学都已申请了银行助学贷款。”乙:“如果班长申请了贷款,那么学习委员就没有申请。”丙:“班长申请了贷款。”丁:“我们班有人没有申请贷款。”已知四人中只有一人说假话,则可推出以下哪项结论?( )
A.甲说假话,学习委员没申请 B.乙说假话,班长没申请 C.丙说假话,学习委员没申请 D.丁说假话,学习委员申请了 [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司供电服务投诉业务处理规范》规定,触碰供电服务“( )”、员工服务“( )”等红线问题,无论客户是否有投诉意愿,派发投诉工单。(出处:《国家电网有限公司 95598 客户服务业务管理办法》附件 1,国家电网有限公司供电服务投诉业务处理规范)
A.十项承诺 B.十个不准 C.服务公约 我来回答: 提交