Much has been written about poverty but
none of the accounts seem to get at the root of the problem. It must be noted
that the weakening effects of poverty are not only the result of lack of money
but are also the result of powerlessness. The poor are subject to their social
situation instead of being able to affect it through action, that is, through
behavior that flows from an individual’s decisions and plans, in other words,
when social scientists have reported on the psychological consequences of
poverty, it seems reasonable to believe that they have described the
psychological consequences or powerlessness. The solution to poverty most
frequently suggested is to help the poor secure more money without otherwise
changing the present power relationship. This appears to implement the idea of
equality while avoiding any unnecessary threat to the established A. the hopeless condition of the poor is caused by their powerlessness rather than lack of money B. great efforts should be made to help the poor to secure more money without changing present power relationships C. it is no use raising the incomes of the poor while not improving their state of powerlessness D. in helping the poor attention should be paid to avoiding any unnecessary threat to the established centers of power [单项选择]There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a promotion, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language--all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since by definition it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they encounter new experiences and unexpected obstacles. In this process, the journey never really ends. There are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept. In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to confron A. curiosity about more chances B. promptness in self-adaptation C. open-mindedness to new experiences D. avoidance of internal fears and doubts [简答题]35kV中性点不接地电网中,线路相间短路保护配置的原则是什么?
A. 白色蛋清样白带 B. 稀薄泡沫状白带 C. 匀质稀薄白带 D. 白色稀糊样白带 E. 豆渣样白带 [判断题]学会原谅、多行善事能很好地提升一个人的幸福感。
A.AFP B.B超 C.MRI D.选择性肝动脉造影 E.肝活组织检查 [多选题]应试验的安全工器具有()
A.A.规程要求试验的安全工器具 B.B.新购置和自制的安全工器具 C.C.对机械、绝缘性能产生疑问或发现缺陷的安全工器具 D.D.出了问题的同批次安全工器具 [简答题]自检报告包括哪些内容?
[多选题]电信网之间应当按照( )的原则实现互联。
A.A-技术可行 B.B-经济合理 C.C-公平公正 D.D-相互配合 [判断题]107最简单的自喷井结构是在完钻井身结构内下入油管及喇叭口,井口装置只是采油树。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]应用地蜡治疗是加热的温度为()。
A. 50~60℃ B. 60~70℃ C. 40~50℃ D. 70~80℃ E. 80~90℃ [多选题]科学社会主义之所以是科学的,是因为它( )
A.明确指出了社会主义公有制与社会化大生产相适应 B.明确指出了社会主义的建立是社会化大生产与资本主义私有制矛盾发展的必然结果 C.明确指出了工人阶级是资本主义制度的掘墓人 D.明确地指出社会主义社会是永恒不变的社会 [单选题](77721)要求TGZ4A-4错1680/1020型整流装置进出风口温差不大于( )。(2.0分)
A.10 ℃ B.25 ℃ C.40 ℃ D.45 ℃ [填空题]肾脏替代治疗的方式有()、()及()。
[单选题]横越线路时,应一站、二看、三通过,注意左右机车、车辆动态及脚下有无障碍物,严禁在运行的机车车辆前面抢越;严禁从地沟上跳越。横越停有机车、车辆的线路时,先确认机车、车辆暂不移动,然后在该机车、车辆一端( )以外绕行通过,严禁钻车底。
A.5m B.10m C.2m D.4m [多项选择]企业在计量应付职工薪酬时,应当注意是否国家有相关的明确计提标准加以区别处理,下列项目中,国家(或企业年金计划)统一规定了计提基础和计提比例的有( )。
A. 工会经费 B. 住房公积金 C. 非货币性福利 D. 养老保险费 我来回答: 提交