6-10 The Guidford Four, freed last week after spending 15 years in prison for crimes they did not commit, would almost certainly have been executed for the pub bombing they were convicted of. They had the death penalty been in force at the time of their trial. They may now be a decent interval before the pro-hanging lobby, which has the support of the Prime Minister, makes another attempt to reintroduce the noose. Reflections along these lines were about the only kind of consolation to be derived from this gross miscarriage of justice which is now to be the subject of a judicial inquiry. In the meantime, defense lawyers are demanding compensation and have in mind about half a million pounds for each of their clients. The first three to be released--Mr. Gerald Conlon, Mr. Paddy Armstrong and Ms. Carole Richards A. convictions can be made on confessions and statements taken by police officers from accused persons are valid legal evidence B. convictions can’t be made on confessions alone and there should be a third party when taking statements from accused persons C. convictions can be made on confessions and a third party should be present when taking statements from accused persons D. convictions can’t be made on confessions alone and the statements taken by police officers from accused persons are valid legal evidence [单选题]A/O池缺氧区每组设置( )台潜水搅拌器。
A.8 B.4 C.2 D.16 [单项选择]塑料推拉门窗扇的开关力应不大于()
A. 80N B. 100N C. 120N D. 150N [单选题]乘客使用储值票乘车,在同一车程内进行了两次扣费,应填写《( )》。
A.A、福利票登记簿 B.B、天津轨道交通优惠票申办表 C.C、车站退款确认单 D.D、票务工作记录表 [判断题]发动机空气滤清器的作用:清除空气中的尘土,防止空气中的尘土进入气缸,使气缸壁、活塞和活塞环等零件急剧腐损。
A. 立即报告医生 B. 停止注射,迅速抢救 C. 重新开始脱敏注射 D. 注射苯海拉明抗过敏 E. 停止注射,待反应消退,减少剂量增加次数注射 [判断题]电阻R1,R2并联,已知R1>R2,并联后的等值电阻近似等于R1,即R≈R1。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防救援中,中小型无人机应用通常具备( )等功能。
A. 向室内被困人员定点投送简易救生器材 B. 实施空中侦察灭火 C. 投送轻型装备物资 D. 释放救援牵引绳 [单项选择]杜邦财务分析体系的核心指标是()。
A. 总资产报酬率 B. 总资产周转率 C. 净资产净利率 D. 权益乘数 [填空题]疏散通道、安全出口不畅通的;消防设备设施未处于良好状态的,不按要求进行检查、检测、维修、保养的,属于( )事故隐患。
[单选题]必须( )管控设备检维修质量,避免重复检修。
A.高标准 B.严格 C.有效 [多选题]国家电网公司设备状态评价中心需要协助公司运检部开展检修()和()工作
A.A.日常分析 B.B.日常管理 C.C.统计管理 D.D.统计分析 [单选题]主体单位驻站联络员连续呼叫现场防护员( )次无应答,遇有列车向施工作业地点开来时,应立即将拦停列车车次填记在《拦停卡》上并递交车站值班员(车务应急值守人员),由车站值班员(车务应急值守人员)拦停列车。A、3B、4C、5D、6
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]雷雨时,巡视人员可以接近避雷器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 下列关于罪名认定,正确的是( )。
A.甲用假币到电器商场购买手机,甲的行为构成诈骗罪 B.乙受王某之托将价值5万元的手表送给10公里外的朱某,乙在路上让许某捆绑自己,伪造了抢劫现场,将表据为己有。乙报案后,向警方说自己被抢。乙的行为构成侵占罪 C.丙假冒某部委名义,以组织某高层论坛为名发布广告、寄送材料,要求参会人员每人先邮寄会务费1万元。丙收款50万元后潜逃。丙的行为构成虚假广告罪 D.丁为孩子升学,买了一辆假冒某名牌的摩托车送给教育局长何某。丁的行为构成诈骗罪 [判断题]
每笔商品买卖的交易磋商都必须有询盘、发盘、还盘、接受四个环节。 [单选题]用价值量计算的直接消耗系数aij其取值范围是()。
A.0≤aij<1 B.aij<0 C.aij>1 D.aij=1 [单选题]《铁路机车操作规则》规定:机车到达站、段分界点停车,签认出段时分(单班单司机签点办法由铁路局规定),了解挂车股道和经路,执行( ),按信号显示出段。
A.规章制度 B.车机联控 C.标准化作业 D.手指确认信号制度 我来回答: 提交