沿途经过2个“四大名镇”,请用诗句或美誉描绘它们的特色。 I was not at all happy at the prospect of the
700-mile drive from Dar es Salaam to Nairobi. It was not that I disliked driving
but I suspected that what is a very pleasant trip in the dry season could prove
disastrous during the long rains, and the monsoons had arrived the previous
week. I was fully aware of the possibility of a breakdown, of hitting large
animals as they stopped, dazzled by my headlamps, or even of skidding off the
road. But these dangers worried me much less than the thought of the stretches
of black cotton soil I would have to negotiate, gray and hard as concrete when
dry, but a black, viscous, muddy mess with the consistency of elastic after just
one heavy shower of rain. However, I had to be in Nairobi by the weekend so
there was nothing for it but to drive; all planes were fully booked three weeks
ahead and A. was incomplete B. was a modem control post C. was made of tar barrels D. was in ideal working conditions [单项选择]前进中的双车船,采取下列何种操纵方法,才能使船舶向左旋回圈最小()?
A. 左满舵,左车全速进车,右车全速进车 B. 右满舵,右车停车,左车全速进车 C. 左满舵,左车全速倒车,右车全速进车 D. 右满舵,右车全速倒车,左车全速进车 [单选题] 擅自使用已在供电企业办理暂停手续的电力设备的,除两部制电价用户外,其他用户应承担擅自使用封存设备容量()/(次·kW)或(B)/(次·kV·A)的违约使用电费
A. 20元 B. 30元 C. 40元 D. 50元 [单项选择]我国公民甲在德国旅游时,盗窃了我国公民乙一部价值1万元的照相机。对甲的行为适用我国刑法的依据是()
A. 属地原则 B. 保护原则 C. 属人原则 D. 普遍管辖原则 [单选题]•0124154310
A.22804 B.22850 C. DictDynamic Load $3: D.sgim_gd_usrmining.bin [单选题]关于深压触诊,哪项描述正确
A.A:用于脾脏触诊 B.B:用于检查腹部有无肌紧张 C.C:用于检查有无腹水 D.D:用于肝脏检查 E.E:用于探测腹腔深在病变的部位,以确定腹腔压痛点 [单选题]
用超级终端与CISCO路由器进行通讯时,波特率通常应该设置为? A.2400.0 B.4800.0 C.9600.0 D.19200.0 [单选题]舵面遥控状态时,平飞中向后稍拉升降舵杆量,飞行器的迎角
A. 增大 B. 减小 C. 先增大后减小 [单选题]一个企业中处于较低管理层的管理人员所作的决策数量很多且很重要,在决策时受到
的限制很少,则可能认为该企业()。 A.组织集权程度较高 B.组织分权程度较高 C.管理人员的素质较高 D.高层主管比较开明 [多选题]关于出国(境)安全防范,下列说法正确的有____。
A.不得暴露个人国内情况,抵制境外间谍情报机关和敌对非法组织的渗透活动 B.抵制境外间谍情报机关和敌对组织散发反动宣传品,不要随意签名及隐瞒不报 C.面对攻击我党和政府的言论,阐明观点,坚决回击,提出抗议 D.不接受他人提供免费食宿或给予不明资金 [单选题]电话订票的预订期应优先于窗口预售期,不办理( )(含当天)以内车票的电话订票业务。
A.3天 B.4天 C.5天 D.7天 [单选题]肺肉质变是由于( )
A.肺内肉瘤细胞弥漫浸润 B.肺内大片渗出物未能及时清除,而肉芽组织长入 C.肺内癌浸润实变呈肉质样 D.肺内慢性长期淤血,纤维增生 E.硅肺时,肺部弥漫性纤维化所致 [判断题]汽车日常维护并不是驾驶员必须完成的日常作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]采煤机正常停机的操作原则是( )。
A.先停电动机,后停牵引 B.先停牵引,后停电动机 C.牵引、动机同时停 D.先停哪个都可以 [单选题]交叉跨越各种线路、铁路、公路、河流等放、撤线时,应先取得( )同意,做好跨越架搭设、封航、封路、在路口设专人持信号旗看守等安全措施
A. 主管部门 B.上级部门 C.经信部门 D.交通部门 [单项选择]经济计量分析工作的基本步骤是()。
A. 设定理论模型→收集样本资料→估计模型参数→检验模型 B. 设定模型→估计参数→检验模型→应用模型 C. 个体设计→总体估计→估计模型→应用模型 D. 确定模型导向→确定变量及方程式→估计模型→应用模型 [简答题]Each year in the United States more people are killed or injured in accidents—at home, at work or school, at play, or while traveling—than were killed or injured in the Vietnam war. In the early 1990s, about half of these accidental deaths were the result of motor-vehicle accidents. Other major causes of accidental deaths were falls, fires, and poisoning. On a worldwide basis, accidents involving motor vehicles are the primary cause of accidental deaths, followed by accidents in industry and in the home.
Efforts to lessen or to eliminate the hazardous conditions that cause accidents are known as safety measures. Safety is a growing concern around the world, and safety skills fire being taken more seriously today than ever before People have Come to realize that safety skills can be learned, and most safety experts agree that it is possible to predict, and take steps to prevent, the majority of accidents. Few accidents simply "happen". Most are caused by ignorance, carelessness, negle
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述舍格伦综合症的临床表现
A. 5kN B. 6kN C. 7kN D. 8kN [填空题]脚手板要求铺满、稳固,不得有( )、弹簧板。
[单选题]在进站信号机外制动距离内进站方向为超过( )‰下坡道的车站,应在正线或到发线的接车方向末端设置安全线。
A.2.5 B.6 C.6.5 D.4.5 [判断题]用于计费和考核电力系统经济技术指标的电能计量装置在竣工验收时,应测量电流互感器实际二次负载和电压互感器二次回路压降。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]当单桩质量评价满足设计要求时,应采用()MPa压力,从钻芯孔孔底往上用水泥浆回灌封闭;否则应(),留待处理。
[单选题]单选题:( )以下岗位(含安检员和保安员)于班前会后完成工作交接接岗后对工作负责。
A.站务员 B.值班员 C.值班站长 D.各岗位 我来回答: 提交