该患儿腿水的性质是()。 Organic farmers had fought to prevent
genetically-engineered crops from being{{U}} (67) {{/U}} organic,
and it could{{U}} (68) {{/U}}for them. Plants genetically{{U}} (69)
{{/U}}to resist insects and other pests {{U}} (70) {{/U}}about
15-percent of United States crop production, but it has become a{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}15-percent. Several European countries are refusing to{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}genetically-engineered crops from the United States. Jim Skiff,
president of the Illinois-based company U-S Soy, says his company will not grow
crops with genetically modified organisms, known as G-M-O for short. But the biotechnology industry is fighting back. Here’s an advertisement produced by the Washington-based Council for Biotechnology Information. The biotech industry received a (n) {{U}} (73) {{/U}}in April,{{U}} (74) {{/U}}a Natio A. right away B. by far C. for now D. since then [单项选择]If the US government raises its tariffs, then______ .
A. the American products may get an upper hand in competing with certain foreign goods B. the American consumers can buy more cheap foreign-made products C. the import volume of US may increase greatly D. the domestic inflation can be eliminated [多选题]单相电能表接线检测,系统发现有开盖记录、零度户等异常电能表,应用()测量所获得的电压、电流数据,与电能表显示的电压数值、电流数值、电压电流相位角及功率因数进行比对、判断。
A.A.容量测试仪 B.台区识别仪 C.钳形电流表 D.万用表 [单项选择]I was not at all happy at the prospect of the 700-mile drive from Dar es Salaam to Nairobi. It was not that I disliked driving but I suspected that what is a very pleasant trip in the dry season could prove disastrous during the long rains, and the monsoons had arrived the previous week. I was fully aware of the possibility of a breakdown, of hitting large animals as they stopped, dazzled by my headlamps, or even of skidding off the road. But these dangers worried me much less than the thought of the stretches of black cotton soil I would have to negotiate, gray and hard as concrete when dry, but a black, viscous, muddy mess with the consistency of elastic after just one heavy shower of rain. However, I had to be in Nairobi by the weekend so there was nothing for it but to drive; all planes were fully booked three weeks ahead and with the railway line washed out there was little likelihood of a train in the next few days.
The first half of the journey proved completely uneventful, A. there were not any hills there B. the clouds had covered them C. it was getting darker and darker D. the rain was streaming down the windscreen of his car [单选题]关于国际法基本原则,下列说法正确的是:
A.国际法基本原则都具有国际强行法的性质,国际强行法也普遍具有国际法基本原则的属性 B.二战时期德国对其境内的犹太人进行大屠杀,这属于德国的内政 C.甲国按照协定在乙国境内进行驻军违反了不得使用武力或武力相威胁原则 D.甲国的殖民地乙区可以民族自决原则为依据独立成为一个新的国家 [单选题]报警阀组是自动喷水灭火系统的重要组件,为保证系统正常供水灭火,每个报警阀组供水的最高和最低位置喷头的高程差不宜大于()m。
A.30 B.50 C.80 D.100 [判断题]间接液化装置没有设置板式换热器。
[判断题]锅炉大小修后,必须经过验收,合格后方能启动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]集成与非门的多余引脚( )时,与非门被封锁。
A.悬空 B.接高电平 C.接低电平 D.并接 [单选题]司机室广播主机供电电源微动开关( )。
A.ACSU B.PACU C.司机室广播主机 D.媒体主机。 [单选题]【单选题】无人机年度检查至少( )
A.一年一次 B.两年一次 C.三年一次 [单项选择]支原体中在培养基上的菌落最小的是()
A. 肺炎支原体 B. 人型支原体 C. 生殖支原体 D. 溶脲脲原体 E. 穿透支原体 [单项选择]下列CT叙述中,错误的是()
A. CT图像是数字图像 B. CT成像仍使用X射线 C. CT是多参数成像 D. CT扫描层是二维体积 E. CT可以进行薄层扫描 [单项选择]平衡记分卡(BSC)是作为战略部署和绩效管理的有效工具,自20世纪末以来被各类组织广为应用,它从财务、顾客、()以及学习与成长等四个领域(或维度),将组织的愿景、战略目标转化为部门和个人的目标。
A. 员工 B. 竞争对手 C. 管理制度 D. 内部业务流程 [多项选择]休克复苏成功的指标包括()
A. 中心静脉压接近正常 B. 尿量大于0.5ml(kg·min) C. 心排血量≥4.0L/min D. 心率≤100次/min E. 神志状态好转 [单项选择]在通信技术领域里,()的发展已提供了一些大容量、高质量、覆盖面广、迅速方便、安全可靠的通信网。
A. 无线通信 B. 光纤通信 C. 卫星通信 D. 以上选项皆是 [单选题]( )是判定扣修车禁止越出本站区运行的依据。
A.车统-19 B.车统-23 C.车统-25 D.车统-33并车统-36 [单项选择]1941~1942年,中共在根据地建设中,为争取抗战胜利奠定物质基础的措施是( )。
A. 整风运动 B. 反“扫荡”斗争 C. 大生产运动 D. “三三制”原则 [单选题]铁路局集团公司红外线调度员负责强热、( )铁路货车的预报。
A.激热 B.微热 C.强热 D.过热 我来回答: 提交