Women often (1) that dating is like a cattle (2) , and a paper just published in Biology Letters by Thomas Pollet and Daniel Nettle of Newcastle University, in England, suggests they are (3) . They have little cause for complaint, however, because the paper also suggests that in this particular market, it is (4) who are the buyers.
Mr. Pollet and Dr. Nettle were looking for (5) to support the contention that women choose men of (6) status and resources, as well as good looks. That may sound common sense, but it was often (7) by social scientists until a group of researchers who called themselves evolutionary psychologists started investigating the matter two decades ago. Since then, a series of experiments in laboratories have supported the contention. But as all zoologists know, (8) can only tell you so much. Eventually, you have to look at (9) populations.
And that is what Mr. Pollet and Dr. Nettle
A. married
B. single
C. divorced
D. widow
{{B}}Text{{/B}} The evolution of artificial intelligence is now proceeding so rapidly that{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the middle of this century cheap computers{{U}} (27) {{/U}}larger than portable typewriters will{{U}} (28) {{/U}}that will be able to solve almost any{{U}} (29) {{/U}}faster and more efficiently than we can. "Intelligence" in a machine,{{U}} (30) {{/U}}in a human, is best{{U}} (31) {{/U}}as the ability to solve complex problems swiftly. This{{U}} (32) {{/U}}involve medical analysis and prescriptions,{{U}} (33) {{/U}}legal matters—{{U}} (34) {{/U}}short, replacing the profession of lawyers completely or in{{U}} (35) {{/U}}war games: in other words,{{U}} (36) {{/U}}governments whether{{U}} (37) {{/U}}not to go to war.{{U}} (38) {{/U}}computers have already intensified A. hot B. cold C. good D. bad [不定项选择]
(二) 2010年10月,江夏市公用事业局所属客管处就本市新增的300个出租车营运的使用资格作出规定:“申请人仅限于本市的22个私营出租车公司,个体经营者不得申请”。在对所有出租车公司的申请进行审查后,江夏市客管处300个出租车营运证全部授予甲出租车公司。随后,针对本市出租车营运证期限不统一,出租车私营与个体经营并存的“混乱”现象。江夏市客管处根据市政府指示,出台了《江夏市出租车行业改革的具体办法》(以下简称《办法》),《办法》规定:“本市所有出租车营运证期限统一调整为6年,原来属于个体经营的出租车营运证全部由客管处收回,并全部授予乙出租车公司,原个体经营者可以带车继续挂靠乙出租车公司经营,接受乙出租车公司的管理。” 本案中,出租车营运许可所依据的法律、法规、规章并未修改或者废止,根据《行政许可法》的规定,江夏市客管处要变更出租车营运证的期限,应当具备的条件有()。A. 出租车营运许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化 B. 原来确定的出租车营运证期限违法 C. 对利益遭到损害的出租车营运证持有人给予补偿 D. 变更营运证的期限必须是为了公共利益的需要 [单选题]脑神经中行程最长、分布最广的是
A.视神经 B.三叉神经 C.面神经 D.迷走神经 E.舌咽神经 [判断题]2.无功功率中的“无功”的含义是“交换”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是“擅自开车”?
A. 二氧化碳排放 B. 石油消费 C. 煤炭消费 D. 二氧化硫排放 [单项选择]胆道探查取石术后,拔除"T"形管的指征是()
A. 术后1周,切口拆线 B. 术后1周,引流减少 C. 术后1周,体温正常,白细胞下降 D. 术后2周,黄疸消退,肝功正常 E. 术后2周,引流减少,造影通畅 [多选题]根据【《中国南方电网有限责任公司设备管理规定》】,设备检修应以计划检修为主,应根据设备风险评估结果,确定计划检修()、()。
A.内容 B.周期 C.巡视 D.评估 [单选题]下列消毒灭菌法哪种是错误的
A.玻璃器材-流通蒸汽法 B.牛奶-巴氏消毒 C.含糖培养基-间歇灭菌法 D.排泄物-漂白粉 E.人或动物血清-滤过除菌 [单项选择]在网络计划工期优化过程中,当出现两条独立的关键线路时,如果考虑对质量的影响,优先选择的压缩对象应是这两条关键线路上()的工作组合。
A. 资源消耗量之和最小 B. 直接费用率之和最小 C. 持续时间之和最长 D. 间接费用率之和最小 [判断题]车钩上锁销组成上锁销杆挂钩口磨耗大于2mm时更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]微机母线保护在系统使用不同变比电流互感器场合时,应( )。
A.修改程序 B.加装辅助TA C.整定系数 D.改造电流互感器 [单选题]紧急抢修应使用紧急抢修工作票,紧急抢修作业从许可时间起超过( )后应根据情况改用非紧急抢修工作票。 抢修前预计( )内无法完成的,应直接使用相关工作票。
A.8h,8h B.12h,12h C.12h,8h D.8h,12h 我来回答: 提交