M: Jane. let’s go swimming.
W: Swim Are you joking We have an exam tomorrow, and I must prepare for it.
21-25 Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal--or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned. Ideas about social class--whether a person is "working-class" or "middle-class"--are one area in which changes have been extremely slow. In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle-class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers’ jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existence. The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her "housekeeping", would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting. The stereotype A. Desiring for security. B. Making long term plans. C. Having priorities in life. D. Saving money. [单项选择]Although originally a German innovation, kindergarten got its real start in the United States as a movement to provide {{U}}an improved{{/U}} learning environment for children.
A. an easy B. a playful C. an open D. a better [单选题]有机化合物的相对分子质量越小,沸点越低,( ) 也越低,饱和蒸汽压越大,蒸发速度越快,其火灾危险性就越大。
A.爆炸极限 B.水溶性 C.闪点 D.质量 [简答题]
A. 呋塞米 B. 异丙肾上腺素 C. 酚妥拉明 D. 西地兰 E. 阿托品 [填空题]非正常情况下需要管理人员把关时,把关人员未到,车站值班员擅自办理()作业。一经检查发现,应内部待岗三个月,调离原岗位。性质严重并构成事故的责任人,按事故责任进行惩处。
A. 1-2 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [单选题]【42133】第四代电子计算机使用的逻辑器件是( )。 ( )
A.晶体管 B.中、小规模集成电路 C.电子管 D.大规模集成电路和超大规模集成电路 [单选题]HXD1电力机车牵引电机通风机由()提供变频、变压电源
A.蓄电池 B.发电机 C.变流器 [单选题]70°探头探测钢轨使用的是( )。
A.纵波 B.横波 C.表面波 D.板波 [判断题] 蒸汽及给水管道损坏的常见原因之一:蒸汽管道超温运行,蠕胀超过标准或运行时间过久,金属强度降低。判断
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]厦深高铁30日定期票是指在30 天有效期内,最多乘坐()在厦深线开行的、购买产品时指定发到站和指定席别的列车。
A.看远清楚 B.看近清楚 C.中距离也清楚 D.以上都是 [单选题]免疫毒素的作用有
A.预防感染 B.治疗感染 C.预防肿瘤 D.治疗肿瘤 E.诊断肿瘤 [填空题]Today it is out of date to speak in terms of character. But there is no more (26) aspect of any person. Character is made up of those (27) and values that give your life direction, meaning and depth. These (28) your inner sense of what’s right and wrong, based not on (29) but on who you are. They include such (30) as integrity, honesty, courage, fairness and generosity. So wrong is simply in doing wrong, not in getting caught. Yet some people wonder if our inner values matter anymore, which demonstrates a (31) of our modern life. Many have come to believe that the only things we need for success are (32) .
But history has taught us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be. During the nation’s first century and a half, almost everything in the (33) of success and self-help focused on the issue of character. Such famous (34) as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson [填空题]根据《国家电网有限公司输变电工程建设安全管理规定》职责分工,()负贵编制项目管理实施规划、施工安全管控措施及施工方案。
[单选题]监察机关及其工作人员行使职权,侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,____。( )
A.依法给予国家赔偿 B.给予一定程度的慰问 C.恢复名誉 D.公开道歉 [多项选择]药物的特殊煎法有( )
A. 先煎 B. 包煎 C. 单煎 D. 后下 E. 烊化 [多选题]汛期暴风雨行车应急处理办法( )
A.列车通过防洪重点地段时,司机要加强瞭望,并随时采取必要的安全措施。 B.当洪水漫到路肩时,列车应按规定限速运行;遇有落石、倒树等障碍物危及行车安全时,司机应立即停车,排除障碍并确认安全无误后,方可继续运行。 C.列车遇到线路塌方、道床冲空等危及行车安全的突发情况时,司机应立即采取应急性安全措施,并立刻通知追踪列车、邻线列车及邻近车站。 D.配备列车防护报警装置的列车应首先使用列车防护报警装置进行防护。 [单项选择]病人的肢体能够抬高离开床面,但不能抵抗阻力,则他的肌力属于
A. 1级 B. 2级 C. 3级 D. 4级 E. 5级 [多项选择]有关接地装置的规定描述正确的是()。
A. 埋于土壤中的人工垂直接地体宜采用角钢、钢管或圆钢,水平接地体宜采用扁钢或圆钢。 B. 人工接地体的间距当受地方限制时可适当减小。 C. 埋在土壤中的接地装置,其连接可焊接也可铆接。 D. 接地装置包括接地线和接地体,是防雷装置的重要组成部分。 [单选题]诊断妊高征作一系列的辅助检查,通常不做的项目是
A.检测血红蛋白 B.测定血细胞比容 C.24小时尿蛋白定量 D.心电图运动试验 E.检测眼底动静脉比例 [多选题]凡使用铁路敞车、平车、长大货物车及敞、平车类专用货车装运的成件货物,有( )的,一律严格按方案装车。《加规》
A.定型方案 B.暂行方案 C.试运方案 D.计划方案 我来回答: 提交