Have you ever wondered what the sky
really is Long ago many thought it circled the earth, carrying the sun, moon,
planets, and stars with it. Since then scientists have found that it is really
just space. In this space the earth, moon, planets, sun, and other stars are
traveling. At times the sky changes its color. When the sun rises or sets, red, orange, yellow, or pink colors are seen. During a clear day the sky is very blue, and on a rainy day it is gray. At night it seems almost black except for the light from the moon and stars. People of old times thought the stars made pictures in the night sky. They saw bears, lions, and many other things. Sailors at sea and shepherds in fields with their sheep knew these. They need only to look. They can go out and view the night sky. No one knows how many stars are there in the sky. The A. feel like having more space B. remain much interested in space all the time C. are quite imaginative D. are fond of distant traveling [单项选择]溶血反应发生的原因为
A. 血液中的枸橼酸钠作用 B. 血液刚从冰箱内拿出便输入体内 C. 病人病情危重 D. 输血前红细胞已经破坏 E. 血液中混有少量生理盐水 [多选题]专业巡视应纳入( )统一管控。
A.年工作计划 B.月度检修计划 C.周工作计划 D.日工作计划 [多项选择]迈克尔·波特的“五力模型”中,五种竞争力量中包括( )。
A. 新进入者 B. 供应商议价能力 C. 其他利益相关者力量 D. 行业中现有竞争者 [单选题]每张工作票只能延期( )。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.四次 [简答题]某站客运值班员A按照《车站客运营收日报》的“营收总金额”进行票款装箱,装箱完成后,A清点备用金发现少200元,故罗某取出私人钱款200元补足备用金。经事后调查,车站《TVM清点记录表》填记错误,“TVM票款”多写200元。
A. 腰椎关节间部分有骨的缺损 B. 上个椎体在下个椎体之上向前滑 C. 椎管狭窄 D. 神经孔狭窄 E. 腰椎滑脱最常见于L2 [单选题]关于《案件移送函》的制作,在执法活动中发现应当由有关行政管理部门处理的违法行为的,应当自发现违法行为之日起( )内移送。
A.三日 B.五日 C.七日 D.十日 [填空题]ZD6系列电动转辙机减速器的输入轴及输出轴,在减速器中的轴向窜动量应不大于( )。
[单项选择]马克思主义的创立意味着( )。
A. 人类哲学思想发达到了顶峰 B. 科学哲学体系的最终完成 C. 绝对真理的体现 D. 人类优秀哲学思想集大成和在更高阶段上发展的起点 [单选题]利用排烟车、机动排烟机、水驱动排烟机等装备实施送风时,严禁人员位于排烟路径的( )处,防止烟热对流伤害。
A.上风口 B.侧上风口 C.下风口 D.周围 [单选题](1.0分)屋面卷材防水施工时,泛水处卷材应向垂直面上翻,其高度不宜小于()mm。
A.200 B.250 C.300 D.350 我来回答: 提交