Much has been written about poverty but
none of the accounts seem to get at the root of the problem. It must be noted
that the weakening effects of poverty are not only the result of lack of money
but are also the result of powerlessness. The poor are subject to their social
situation instead of being able to affect it through action, that is, through
behavior that flows from an individual’s decisions and plans, in other words,
when social scientists have reported on the psychological consequences of
poverty, it seems reasonable to believe that they have described the
psychological consequences or powerlessness. The solution to poverty most
frequently suggested is to help the poor secure more money without otherwise
changing the present power relationship. This appears to implement the idea of
equality while avoiding any unnecessary threat to the established A. have no right to make individual decisions and plans B. can not exercise control over other groups of people C. are not in a condition to change their present situation D. are too weak to resist any social situation imposed on them [单选题]把设备编号和接线端子编号加在一起,每一个接线端子就有了唯一的()。
A.设备文字符号 B.回路编号 C.相对编号 [单选题] 死刑只适用于()的犯罪分子
A. 罪大恶极 B. 罪行极其严重 C. 民愤极大 D. 毒品犯罪 [多选题]交通运输外部性的具体评估方法有( )。
A.地域加总法 B.实际发生法 C.经济成本法 D.防护行为法 E.价值影响法 [单项选择]20世纪中叶以后石油、化工行业的雷灾相当多是属于()区范围的LEMP
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [判断题]我行不可申请变更资金归集账户或者零余额账户名称。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钻井队所使用的临时电源、电气元件和线路应达到相应防爆等级要求,并采用相应的防爆安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]价值工程的实施阶段包括的内容有()。
A. 提案编写 B. 审批 C. 实施与检查 D. 成果鉴定 E. 功能评价 [判断题]校内资助项目申请信息填写要按照所在高校要求填写。
[单选题] 关于事故隐患排查治理制度,以下表述错误的是( )。
A.生产经营单位应当采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患 B.事故隐患应当报告主管的负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门 C.县级以上地方各级人民政府负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当建立健全重 大事故隐患治理督办制度 D.事故隐患排查治理情况应当如实记录,并向从业人员通报 [单选题]污染源的定义是( )
A.会弄脏设备或周围环境的:特有工艺流程、原材料、人、方法或环境。 B.难以达到的地方以清洁。 C.不能用感官来检查的所有部件。 D.由于机器设计特性造成的,需要需要很多时间来清洁的区域。 我来回答: 提交