There were two widely divergent
influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a
mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state
and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling
father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in
games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is
represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, .ordering, and the
taking of censuses - all of which led to modern descriptive statistics. From the
influence of the father came modern inferential statistics, which is based
squarely on theories of probability. Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as mea A. How to Use Descriptive Statistics B. Applications of Inferential Statistics C. The Development and Use of Statistics D. The Brawbacks of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics [单选题]发票人一般应在作业 ( ) 之前将工作票交给工作领导人
A. 3小时 B. 6小时 C. 9小时 D. 12小时 [单项选择]“船上油污应急计划”属于()要求的应急计划。
A. ISM B. SOLAS C. STCW D. MARPOL [单选题] 气瓶的存储应符合国家有关规定。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]脉冲氩弧焊时,基值电流起( )作用。 ( )
A.熔化金属形成熔池 B.预热母材 C.维持电弧燃烧和预热母材 D.维持电弧燃烧 [单选题]在电气设备电场极不均匀的情况下,导体表面附近的电场强度达到气体的击穿场强时所发生的放电为( )。
A.悬浮电位放电 B.内部放电 C.表面放电 D.电晕放电 [单项选择]根据我国宪法的规定,下列哪一种说法不正确( )
A. 城市的土地属于国家所有,农村和城市郊区的土地,除法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于集体所有 B. 宅基地、自留地、自留山属于集体所有 C. 国家为了公共利益的需要,可以对土地实行征收或征用 D. 土地的所有权可以依照法律的规定转让 [多项选择]下列说法中属于会计工作的社会监督的范畴有()。
A. 注册会计书及其所在的会计师事务所所依法实施的监督 B. 单位和个人对会计违法行为的检举 C. 审计、税务和人民银行依法实施的监督 D. 注册会计师的社会监督具有权威性 [单项选择]下列有关数据库的描述,正确的是
A. 数据处理是将信息转化为数据的过程 B. 数据的物理独立性是指当数据的逻辑结构改变时,数据的存储结构不变 C. 关系中的每一列称为元组,一个元组就是一个字段 D. 如果一个关系中的属性或属性组并非该关系的关键字,但它是另一个关系的关键字,则称其为本关系的外关键字 [单项选择]在两纤双向复用段环中,最多可包括()个能参与复用段倒换的网元
A. 15 B. 16 C. 128 D. 127 [单选题]办理站应根据危险货物的运量、品类等情况,按铁路危险货物办理站、专用线货运安全设备设施有关技术条件的相关规定配备劳动保护用品和安全检测仪器等有关设施、设备,并按规定定期开展职业危害()。
A. 项点检测 B. 项点监测 C. 因素检测 D. 因素监测 [判断题]特殊的重要电气试验,应有详细的安全措施,并经单位批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]托马斯用什么方法论证上帝存在论()
A. 类比法 B. 约定法 C. 演绎法 D. 归纳法 [判断题]应对雨雪冰冻灾害救援,重型除雪车、大型破冰除雪车等特种车辆驾驶员,应经过专业培训并持证上岗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]氢氧化钠俗称烧碱火碱苛性钠,是腐蚀性较弱的碱。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述自动降弓装置的作用、结构组成及各个组成部分的作用。
[单项选择]最简单的一种加湿方式是( )。
A. 干蒸汽喷管 B. 蒸汽喷管 C. 干蒸汽加湿器 D. 电热式加湿器 [单项选择]Gerard Croiset from Holland could "see" what was going on somewhere else and he used his gift(天赋)to help the police to find missing people.
Mr Sandelius lived with his 24-year-old daughter Carol in Topeka. One day, Carol disappeared(不见了). The police looked for her everywhere and they showed her photos to everybody, but they couldn’t find her. After eight weeks there was nothing else that the police could do. Mr Sandelius was ready to try anything to find his daughter. He heard about Croiset and he called him."Can you help me " he asked. Croiset would never say no to people in need of help. He told Mr Sandelius that Carol was alive(活着的). "I see her somewhere near water and small boats. Now I see her riding with someone in a red car. Don’t worry. You will know something in six days. " Five clays passed and Mr Sandelius still didn’t hear anything. On the sixth day, early in the morning, he came to the first floor. He saw that someone was sitting in the room. It A. Carol was not dead. B. Carol would come back in six weeks. C. Carol was driving a boat 8000 km away. [多选题]依据《广西电网有限责任公司网络安全(运行)事件调查规程》(Q/CSG-GXPG213001-2020)规定: ( )由各单位根据本单位具体情况开展内部管控及考核。
A.运行事件1级 B.运行事件2级 C.运行事件3级 D.运行事件4级 [单选题]过渡车钩基本参数:最高使用速度( );最大连接辆数( );车钩强度:纵向拉伸屈服强度≥500KN、纵向压缩屈服强度≥550KN;。
A.120km/h,16辆 B.120km/h,8辆 C.160km/h,8辆 D.160km/h,16辆 [单选题]高处作业地点的下方应设置隔离区,并设置明显的警告标志,防止落物伤人。隔离区域为R与起吊工作最大长度之和。隔离区应按以下原则划分:h为作业位置至其底部的垂直距离,R为半径。当2m≤h≤5m,时,R=();
A.2m B.3m C.4m [单项选择]尼莫地平的不良反应是
A. 干咳 B. 电解质紊乱 C. 支气管痉挛 D. 头晕、面红 E. 心动过缓 [判断题]公安机关在一起盗窃案现场收集到一张字条,根据笔迹鉴定认定是犯罪嫌疑人张某书写,后据以查获张某,在其住处搜查、扣押了被盗物品,被盗超市提供了被盗物品清单。该字条是书证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )可作为减肥食品的原料。
A.双糖 B.单糖 C.多糖 D.葡萄糖 我来回答: 提交