Illiteracy may be considered more as an abstract concept than a condition. When a famous English writer used the (1) over two hundred years ago, he was actually (2) to people who could (3) read Greek or Latin. (4) ,it seems unlikely that university examiners had this sort of (5) in mind when they reported on "creeping illiteracy" in a report on their students’ final examination in 1988. (6) the years, university lecturers have been (7) of an increasing tendency towards grammatical sloppiness, poor spelling and general imprecision (8) their students’ ways of writing; and sloppy writing is all (9) often a reflection of sloppy thinking. Their (10) was that they had (11) to do teaching their own subject (12) teaching their undergraduates to write. Some lecturers believe that they have a (n) (13) to stress the importance of maintaining standards of
A. afraid
B. aware
C. warned
D. tired
A—Admission information B—Adult admission C—Student admission D—Opening hours E—National museum F—Visitor route G—Museum collection H—Ticket desk I—Please do not touch J—No admission K—Group tour entrance L—Audio guide M—Family visit N—Floor plans and galleries O—Multimedia guide P—Group ticket Q—Information desk
()请勿触摸()多媒体导游 Christmas Eve arrives at my house each
year. The center of the celebration(庆祝) is dinner. My mother spends days
preparing a rich variety of seafood. The guest list seldom changes. It is made
up of my Aunt Marcy and her husband, my oldest brother, Sal, his wife, and their
four children, my sister, Joann, her husband, and their two children, and my
second brother, Richard, his wife, and their two children. My aunt and uncle always come heavily loaded with enough food and wine for a whole army. My brother Sal and {{U}}gang{{/U}} usually show up an hour early and empty-handed. Joann’s family is usually late while Richard’s group generally arrives on time, bearing gifts for everyone. I am in charge of getting the Christmas tree. Plenty of food is served at the dinner table, and all the hours of preparation are wolfed down in a matter o A. the price of goods B. the kind of seafood C. the preparation of fish D. the change of the menu [判断题]根据边际效用递减规律,边际效用随消费量的减少而减少。
[判断题]如果一套独立保护的继电器及回路分装在不同的保护屏上,那么在不同保护屏上的回路可以由不同的专用端子对取得直流正、负电源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在法定节假日春节规定中,可以放假七天。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]食品卫生标准应至少包括下列哪些项目()。
A. 食品原料与产品卫生标准 B. 食品卫生检验方法 C. 食品企业生产卫生规范 D. 食品标签标准 [单项选择]第3胸椎棘突下旁开1.5寸的腧穴是()
A. 肝俞 B. 肾俞 C. 脾俞 D. 肺俞 E. 心俞 [单项选择]
根据安全管理体系的要求,船长在船舶安全管理方面的职责有()。 A. Ⅱ,Ⅳ B. Ⅰ~Ⅲ C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ D. Ⅰ~Ⅳ [单选题]开始于任何水平面的泄水孔和排水管,不论是在干舷甲板以下大于450mm处,或在夏季载重水线以上小于600mm处穿过船壳,均应在船壳上设有______
A.截止阀 B.速闭阀 C.止回阀 D.连通阀 [多选题] 运输机场的命名或者更名应当符合国家有关( )的规定。
A.民航法 B.安全保卫法 C.法律 D.行政法规 [多选题]工作前,工作负责人对工作班成员进行(),并确认每个工作班成员都已签名。
A.工作任务交底 B.安全措施交底 C..危险点告知 D.现场电气设备接线情况告知 [单项选择]患者,女性,23岁,主因“全身关节肿痛伴发热4周”入院。查体:面部可见紫红色蝶形红斑,Hb80g/L,血沉120mm/h,尿蛋白(++)。目前治疗本病的首选药物是()。
A. 糖皮质激素 B. 非甾体抗炎药 C. 抗疟药 D. 免疫抑制剂 E. 强效广谱抗生素 [单项选择]下列属于抑制尿酸生成的药物是()
A. 别嘌醇 B. 糖皮质激素 C. 非甾体抗炎药 D. 秋水仙碱 E. 苯溴马隆 [单选题]肝硬化的发病机制中,形成肝纤维化的主要细胞是
A.肝星状细胞 B.肝细胞 C.Kupffer细胞 D.上皮细胞 E.内皮细胞 [判断题]对同一个工作日的多条低压
配电线路或设备上的工作,可使用一张低压工作票 () A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在Excel中,使用Ctrl+Home键可以使活动单元格快速移动到A1单元格。 ( )
A. 后颅凹减压 B. 病灶切除术 C. 脑室一腹腔分流术 D. 脑室一脑池造瘘术 E. 鞘内注射抗生素 [单选题]根据我国《水文情报预报规范》(GB/T 22482-2008),( )洪峰流量重现期为10~20年一遇。
A. 一般洪水 B. 较大洪水 C. 大洪水 D. 特大洪水 [多选题]下列着火属于C类火灾的是( )。
A.甲烷 B.天然气 C.汽油 D.铝镁合金 E.木头 [单项选择]男性,43岁,近2个月来下腹疼痛,腹泻、大便为脓血便,排便后腹痛减轻,最可能的诊断是()。
A. 内痔 B. 溃疡性结肠炎 C. 小肠结核 D. 肠套叠 E. 过敏性紫癜 [判断题]带电短接设备时,绝缘分流线或旁路电缆两端连接完毕且遮蔽完好后,应检测通流情况正常。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]参与消防救援人员违法违纪案件调查、处理的人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避。被调查人、检举人及其他有关人员也有权要求其回避。( )
A.是被调查人或者检举人的近亲属的 B.担任过本案的证人的 C.本人或者其近亲属与调查的案件有利害关系的 D.可能影响案件公正调查、处理的其他情形 我来回答: 提交