But let no one think that pleasure is
immoral. Pleasure in itself is a great good, all pleasure, but its consequences
may be such (31) the sensible person eschews, certain
varieties of (32) . Nor need pleasure be gross and
sensual. They are wise in their generation (33) have
discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most
enduring. It is well to (34) the habit of reading. There are
(35) sports in which you can engage to your own satisfaction
after you have passed the prime of life; there are no games except patience,
chess problems and crossword puzzles that you can play without someone to play
them with you. Reading suffers (36) no such disadvantages;
there is no occupation--except perhaps needle-work, but that leaves the restless
spirit (37) liberty-- which you can m A. get B. hold C. take D. look [单选题]河道疏浚执行()电价。
A.大工业 B.农业生产 C.普通工业 D.非工业 [单项选择]下列关于氟中毒的论述中错误的是()
A. 发病与性别无关 B. 氟斑牙多见于乳牙 C. 患氟斑牙不一定伴有氟骨症 D. 氟骨症随着年龄的增加而增加 E. 氟骨症多发病于10岁以后 [单选题]党的十九大报告指出,坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,加快建立多主体供给、多渠道保障、____的住房制度,让全体人民住有所居。 ·
A.租赁优先 B.以购为主 C.租购并举 D.多手段调控 [多选题]对溺水者的人工呼吸方法正确的描述是( )。
A.口对口吹气最佳 B.有节律的每分钟12~16次吹气 C.同时进行胸外心脏按摩 D.人工呼吸进行的次数越多越好 [判断题]对于爆炸品包装来说,除内包装能充分防止爆炸品与金属物接触外,铁钉和其他没有防护涂料的金属部件不应穿透外包装。
A.A.控制保护 B.控制 C.保护 D.故障录波 [单项选择]急性腹膜炎所致呕吐属于().
A. 神经性呕吐 B. 反射性呕吐 C. 中枢性呕吐 D. 胃肠源性呕吐 E. 周围性呕吐 [判断题]低压带电作业前,应先分清相、零线,选好工作位置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根部害虫的发生特点是什么?
A.李大钊 B.周佛海 C.王尽美 D.何叔衡 [单选题]培养人们良好的道德意识.道德品质和道德行为,树立正确的义务.荣誉.正义和幸福等观念,使受教育者成为道德纯洁.理想高尚的人。这是道德是()功能。
A.认识功能 B.调节功能 C.评价功能 D.教育功能 [单选题]
下列字音全都正确的一组是 A. 汾(fén)酒 佝(gōu)偻 桎梏(kù) 方兴未艾(yì) B. 谮(zèng)言 愠(yùn)怒 鹰隼(sǔn) 暴虎冯(féng)河 C. 绾(wǎn)结 惭怍(zuò) 沉疴(kē) 便(biàn)宜行事 D. 靓(jìng)妆 属(shǔ)文 电饭煲(bāo) 创(chuāng)巨痛深 [单项选择]橡胶绝缘电缆的优点是()。
A. 耐电晕性能好 B. 具有高弹性 C. 900C以下具有热稳定性 我来回答: 提交