图形中的数字都包含一定的规律,请你总结前两个图形数字的规律,从四个选项中选出最恰当的一项。 |
C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 When Kate was eighteen years of age, her mother gave her a beautiful ring. It was a birthday present and Kate was very pleased. A week later when she was working in the kitchen, she lost the ring. She looked everywhere in the kitchen but still could not find it. She also looked outside the kitchen but still could not find it. Kate became very sad. She even cried. That evening at suppertime, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes. "These are very good cakes! Who made them" "I made them," Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She liked cooking very much. Suddenly, Peter stopped eating and said, "This is a strange type of cake." When Kate found out what Peter was talking about, she was very happy. "My ring!" she cried and cleaned it. She thanked her brother a [单项选择]The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendant's trial for murder.
A. a decision of guilty B. a decision to punish by electrocution C. an impasse D. an unusual verdict [判断题]高速铁路防护栏内区间进行步行巡视周期3个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]95599客户服务中心为客户提供每周()小时人工服务。
A. 5*8 B. 7*8 C. 5*24 D. 7*24 [判断题]《普非》规定:遇天气恶劣,应加强瞭望和鸣笛。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]理解人类社会发展的“钥匙”是:( )
A.劳动发展史 B.阶级斗争史 C.思想发展史 D.国家发展史 [多选题]量变和质变的相互关系表现为( )
A.量变就是质变 B.量变是质变的必要准备 C.质变是量变的必然结果 D.量变和质变互相渗透 [单项选择]
A. ( Because they may not judge speeds very well B. ( Because they may step into the road for convenience C. ( Because they cannot run very fast D. ( Because they may become nervous easily [单选题]3.1158. 第1158题为防止损伤运行电缆或其他地下管线设施,在城市道路( )内不宜使用大型机械开挖沟(槽),硬路面面层破碎可使用小型机械设备,但应加强监护,不得深入土层。——
A. 红线范围 B. 警示线 C. 绿化区 D. 两侧区域 [单选题]某26岁初产妇,双胎妊娠35周,因下腹疼痛2小时入院,查体:宫口开大6cm,其最可能发生的情况是
A.早产 B.前置胎盘 C.胎盘早剥 D.妊娠高血压综合征 E.子宫收缩乏力 [单选题]以下()表决逻辑适用于安全性、实用性很高的场合。
A.二选二2oo2 B.三选一1oo3 C.三选二2oo3 [单项选择]某文本型字段的值只能是字母且不允许超过6个,则可将该字段的输入掩码属性定义为( )。
A. AAAAAA B. LLLLLL C. CCCCCC D. 999999 [单选题]在ND上出现红色实心“▉”符号代表
A.措施通告 B.活动通告 C.接近活动 D.其他活动 我来回答: 提交