Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want so say it well,but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand-he wants to teach them. and he wants them to learn from him. What visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain,because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colors,not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors,out of the countless billions possible,is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors,or have A. The public could share the artist’s feelings through their choice of shapes and colors. B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things. C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists. D. All artists are teaching the public consciously. [单项选择]Where is this conversation probably taking place
A. In a classroom. B. In a snack bar. C. In a dormitory. [单项选择]
A. (A) Because they like to keep them at home. B. (B) Because they do not want to take the trouble to throw them away. C. (C) Because they are not allowed to throw them away. D. (D) Because they think those thing they no longer need might be other people’s bargains. [多选题] 长距离传输时,光放大器的级联使用,对放大器级联数目有一定的限制,主要考虑的()。 (2分) 查看答案
A.经过放大器信号质量不断下降 B.光放大器无法对线路上的抖动进行补偿 C.光放大器对放大信号的增益曲线不平坦 D.无法对过多的光放大器进行管理 [单选题]机动车辆行驶速度越高,( )车辆的操纵性和稳定性。
A.越容易保持 B.越不容易破坏 C.越容易破坏 [单项选择]The woman's last inquiry is mainly concerned with______
A. the lime needed for sending the parcel B. the flight time to New York C. the parcel destination D. parcel collection [填空题]
Saridon is a combination of analgesic (止痛的) and antipyretic (退热的) substances. Its components are carefully balanced to give rapid relief of pain (e. g. headache, toothache, etc. ) which lasts for several hours. [单选题] 下列事故的报告和调查处理适用《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》的是()。
A.某高校食堂火灾事故 B.某化工厂甲苯大规模泄漏引发环境污染事故 C.某国防科研机构实验过程中发生的事故 [判断题]正班与正班人员、副班与副班人员交接,接班人员未接班,交班人员不得离开看守点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]产权比率为3/4,则权益乘数为( )。
A. 4/3 B. 7/4 C. 7/3 D. 3/4 [单选题]木、竹跨越架立杆均应垂直埋入坑内,遇松土或地面无法挖坑时应绑( )。
A.立杆 B.大横杆 C.扫地杆 D.剪刀撑 [多项选择]下列属于北欧谈判对手性格特征的是()
A. 态度谦恭 B. 不易激动 C. 极具自主性 D. 自尊心很强 [判断题]新建装置贯通试压的目的,是检查系统流程的严密性及畅通性。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
影响喷油规律的主要因素有()。 A. ①+②+③+⑤ B. ①+③+④+⑤ C. ①+③+④+⑥ D. ②+④+⑤+⑥ [单选题]低压厂用电中央配电盘,计算其短路电流时,仍需考虑电动机反馈。在工程设计中为简化计算,对于反馈的电动机容量一般考虑为变压器容量的()。
A.50%; B.60%; C.65%; D.55%。 [单选题]紫外光下,第1版欧元纸币背面地图.桥梁和面额数字呈现( )色。
A.红; B.绿; C.黄; D.橙。 [单选题]连铸时,浇注温度是指( )钢水温度。
A.盛钢桶内 B.中间包内 C.结晶器内 D.精炼结束 [单选题]在法定假日和传统节日等铁路运输高峰期或者恶劣气象条件下,铁路运输企业应当采取必要的( ),加强铁路运输安全检查,确保运输安全。
A.应急措施 B.应急管理措施 C.安全管理措施 D.安全应急管理措施 [单项选择]In which ways is home service industry good for our society
A. It meets the needs of modern life. B. It provides work opportunities for the laid-off workers. C. It is a new industry. D. A and B. [单选题]当电气设备的绝缘普遍受潮、脏污或老化以及绝缘中有气隙发生局部放电时,流过绝缘的有功电流分量将( )。
A.减小 B.增加 C.不变 D.先减小后增大 [单项选择]狂犬病毒可在下列部位查找,但除外( )
A. 角膜印片 B. 唾液 C. 血液 D. 脑脊液 E. 脑组织 [单选题]接地网、电缆支架、预埋钢管等所有铁件均需作( ) 处理。
A.镀锌 B.防锈 C.防潮 D.磨边 [单项选择]支气管哮喘发作时,呼气期两肺普遍性哮鸣音,其主要原因是()
A. 支气管黏膜肿胀致支气管腔狭窄 B. 阻塞性肺气肿 C. 支气管内分泌物增加 D. 肺泡间质水肿 E. 支气管平滑肌痉挛 [单选题]1.30 车辆管理所应当建立考试质量和考试纪律抽查制度,每日抽查不少于_____的当天的音视频电子信息档案和执法记录仪信息档案,发现存在违反考试纪律、考场秩序混乱以及视频、音频信息缺失或者不完整的,应当进行调查处理。
A.5% B.10% C.1% D.3% [单项选择]Our direct contact with plants grows with the process of industrialization.
[判断题]所有的个人活期账户均可办理现金存取与转账交易。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交