Women are quite often competent
drivers, but they are very seldom consistently first-class. At best they are a
mild hazard, at worst potentially lethal. A wise male driver will always give
them plenty of road and still be on the look-out for the unpredictable to
happen. This deficiency has nothing to do with their lack of ability to cope
with the mechanical complexities of the vehicle; it is due to an inherent,
characteristic which, in certain other circumstances, may be highly desirable,
but which, behind the wheel, is deadly. It is their lust for talking. Women
together in a car succumb to this need and when they talk they look into each
other’s faces. Simple words are insufficient. It is necessary for them to see
the expression of their partners and so read the meaning the words leave unsaid.
When talking instead of listening, t A. not often uniformly good B. sometimes very good C. never good at the worst things D. at their best when given room [单项选择]关于经期延长血瘀证的临床表现,错误的是()
A. 月经量多 B. 色紫暗,有血块 C. 气短懒言 D. 经行腹痛 E. 舌紫暗,脉弦涩 [判断题][T]BF004质量检验是对实体的一个特性进行的,诸如测量.检查.试验和度量,将结果与规定要求进行比较,以及确定特性的合格情况所做的活动。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]套利的理论基础在于经济学中的一价定律,即忽略交易费用的差异,同一商品只能有同一个价格。
A. 中国和日本 B. 日本和韩国 C. 中国和韩国 D. 德国和英国 [简答题]自动排烟窗的联动控制应符合什么要求? [ 易]
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A.工会组织 B.环保部门 C.财务部门 D.纪检部门 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]组成机器的标准零部件包括( )。
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A. 放大器一般都具有增益控制电路 B. 线路放大器可以由WPA、WBA构成 C. WBA具有增益锁定的功能 D. OptiXBWS320G系统里的EDFA放大器都具有瞬态控制的功能 [单选题] 局域网和广域网是按(C)来划分的
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The following board install the OMM application software to implement OMM server functions: ( ).
A.OMU1 B.IGSU1 C.SWBB1 D.SWI2 [单选题]本车另一端
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A.机端装设电流速断 B.中性点装设电流速断 C.装设纵联差动 我来回答: 提交