Less than a year ago, a new generation
of diet pills seemed to offer the long-sought answer to our chronic weight
problems. Hundreds of thousands of pound-conscious Americans had discovered that
a drug combination known as "fen-phen" could shut off voracious appetites like
magic, and the FDA had just approved a new drug, Redux, that did the same with
fewer side effects. Redux would attract hundreds of thousands of new pill
poppers within a few months. But now the diet drug revolution is facing a backlash. Some of the nation’s largest HMOs, including Aetna U.S. Healthcare and Prudential Healthcare, have begun cutting back or eliminating reimbursement for both pills. Diet chains like Jenny Craig and Nutri System are backing away from them too. Several states, meanwhile, have restricted the use of fen-phe A. diet chains and some of the HMOs have removed their support for the pills. B. some states have limited or forbidden the prescriptions of the diet pills. C. in Florida, patients are told to turn away from the use of fen-phen within a month. D. Sheldon Levine, a New Jersey doctor, touted one of the pills on TV and in his book. [单项选择]某男,47岁,胸胁支满,目眩心悸,短气而咳,舌苔白滑,脉弦滑。宜选用()
A. 苓桂术甘汤 B. 真武汤 C. 实脾散 D. 五苓散 E. 猪苓汤 [单项选择]
A. 心绞痛 B. 胸膜炎 C. 带状疱疹 D. 自发性气胸 E. 肋间神经炎 [单项选择]
In the two decades between 1910 and 1930, over ten percent of the Black population of the United States left the South, where the majority of the Black population had been located, and migrated to northern states, with the largest number moving, it is claimed, between 1016 and 1918. It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that most of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent factors: the collapse of cotton industry following boll weevil infestation, which began in 1898, and increased demand in the North for labor following the cessation of European immigration caused by the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. This assumption has led to the conclusion that the migrants’ subsequent lack of economic mobility in the North is tied to rural background, a background that implies unfamiliarity with urban living and a lack of industrial skills. [判断题]()硬质面包的结构以及面坯的调制方法都不同于一般面包。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
In mediaeval times, the region that led the world in
technological{{U}} (1) {{/U}}was China.{{U}} (2) {{/U}}, Europe
north and west of the Alps was a backwater that had invented nothing{{U}}
(3) {{/U}}except for improved watermills. How did China{{U}} (4)
{{/U}}in science and technology to Europe Two papers by Graeme Lang, rich
with broad implications, address this paradox{{U}} (5) {{/U}}structural
or ultimate causation.
Lang begins by pointing out that{{U}} (6) {{/U}}scientific inquiry in Europe developed within a{{U}} (7) {{/U}}European institution: autonomous universities where critical inquiry was relatively{{U}} (8) {{/U}}by governmental or religious authority. Between A. D. 1450 and 1650, 90% of Europeans now considered to be{{U}} (9) {{/U}}to science receiver university educations, and half of them held career posts at universities. There was{{U}} (10) {{/U}}in China. Why not Historical causation is li [单项选择]烟花爆竹零售单位必须在现场配备一名(),佩戴安全员胸卡,负责现场的安全管理,负责发生事故时的报警和应急处理。
A. 主要负责人 B. 销售人员 C. 专职安全员 D. 应急救援人员 [单项选择]患者,男性,50岁,声嘶半年入院,行纤维喉镜见声门下区肿物,取病理活检提示为高分化鳞癌。予以行全喉切除术,术程顺利,术后复查正常。现予以患者行发音重建治疗,属于癌症康复的哪一类?()
A. 预防性康复 B. 恢复性康复 C. 支持性康复 D. 姑息性康复 E. 重建性康复 [单选题]( )不能防止线路爬行。
A.增加轨撑 B.拧紧螺栓 C.夯实道床 D.安装防爬设备 [单项选择]医疗用毒性药品管理品种由()
A. 卫生部会同国家食品药品监督管理局规定 B. 卫生部会同国家中医药管理局规定 C. 卫生部会同国家食品药品监督管理局、国家中医药管理局规定 D. 国家食品药品监督管理局会同国家中医药管理局规定 E. 国家食品药品监督管理局会同卫生部、国家中医药管理局规定 [单选题] 测量后数据处理错误的表述是( )。
A.数字列表 B.图表 C.曲线 D.无法表述 [单选题]客户更换车辆时,已将OBU自原车拆卸的,应为客户办理车辆信息变更,在( )的基础上可修改车牌、车型等车辆信息。
A.已变更原开户人 B.不变更原开户人 C.已变更现开户人 D.不变更现开户人 [单选题]由于具有资源占有的稀缺性和专有技术的独有性,不能形成公平、公正竞争环境的设备备材项目,免招标有效期为多长时间
A.五年 B.三年 C.一年 D.二年 [判断题] 遇到六级及以上大风.雷雨.冰雹.大雾.沙尘暴等恶劣天气时,应停止打桩作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以南宁2号线电客车为例,制动优先级最高的是()?
A.电阻制动 B.再生制动 C.空气制动 D.磁轨制动 E.略 F.略 [单选题]昆明地铁列车司机在日常行车中,列车上发生毒气袭击事件,出现不明原因的群体性晕倒事件时,列车司机应
( )。
A.A.立即 报告行调并关闭列车空调和通风,并尽量维持列 车运行 B.B.采取停车措施 C.C.保持空调开启 D.D.私自逃离 [填空题]YJ17平准器主要由劈刀盘,刷丝轮和()装置组成。
A. 检查引流管是否扭曲 B. 看引流管是否有液体引出 C. 检查引流瓶中是否有引流液 D. 检查患者的呼吸音是否正常 E. 观察水封瓶中长管内水柱的波动 [多选题]“十必查”的主要内容包括( )。
A.查库管库、钥匙转字 B.账户管理、银企对账 C.授权与事后监督、 章证管理 D.柜员离岗柜员操作界面、混岗操作 E.监控录像、督导整改 [单选题]下列不属于银行业金融机构应当制定的专门案防方面制度的是()。
A.案件风险排查 B.案件处置 C.后评价 D.案防工作会议 [单项选择]关于固定阳极X线管,叙述错误的是()
A. 阳极头由阳极体和靶面组成 B. 阳极柄的主要作用是热传导 C. 阳极头的主要作用是吸收二次电子 D. 灯丝的主要作用是发射电子 E. 集射罩对电子束进行聚焦 [单项选择]在进入目标市场时,不考虑各子市场的特性,而只注重子市场的共性,决定只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,这种战略是:()。
A. 差异市场营销战略 B. 无差异市场营销战略 C. 聚焦营销战略 D. 分散营销战略 [简答题]( )决策站厅付费区、站厅非付费区客流控制启用,( )决策出入口客流控制启用。
[单选题]DHCP Snooping 可以和IPSG 联动解决源 IP 欺骗攻击
A. TRUE B. FALSE [判断题]防汛抢险救援信息报送工作严格按照运营公司《综合应急预案》要求执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公益群发房源会有什么惩罚?( )
A.第一时间撤回,撤回成功不惩罚,撤回不成功在公益群内发 20 元红包乐捐 B.第一时间撤回,撤回成功不惩罚,撤回不成功在公益群内发 30 元红包乐捐 C.第一时间撤回,撤回成功不惩罚,撤回不成功在公益群内发 50 元红包乐捐 D.第一时间撤回,撤回成功不惩罚,撤回不成功在公益群内发 100 元红包乐捐 [单选题]以下药物没有平喘作用的是
A.倍氯米松 B.氨茶碱 C.去甲肾上腺素 D.异丙托溴铵 E.沙丁胺醇 [单选题]正常情况下正常菌群可存留在机体的腔道是( )。
A.肠道 B.胸腔 C.腹腔 D.颅腔 E.关节腔 [单项选择]男性,30岁。火焰烧伤总面积达70%,颜面、颈、前胸及双上肢为Ⅲ度烧伤(30%)。伤后1小时送医院处理。
A. 抬高患肢 B. 红外线照射 C. 外涂1%SD-Ag混悬液包扎 D. 1%SD-Ag冷霜外涂包扎 E. 清创、焦痂切开减压 [多选题]辐射安全许可证内容包括以下哪些信息( )。
A.单位名称 B.发证日期和编号 C.注册资本 D.所从事活动的种类和范围 E.有效期限 [单项选择]装有密接式车钩的快速客车,其制动补助管长度为()。
A. 300~360mm B. 250~300mm C. 300~350mm D. 250~280mm [单选题](2018年)王某和公司签订了合同期限为2年的劳动合同,劳动合同满1年时,王某因为出国留学要解除劳动合同,下列选项正确的是( )。
A.不得解除劳动合同 B.用人单位应当支付1个月补偿金 C.提前3日以书面形式通知用人单位 D.提前30日以书面形式通知用人单位 [单项选择]妥拉唑啉为
A. 拟肾上腺素药 B. 抗肾上腺素药 C. 拟胆碱药 D. 抗胆碱药 E. 抗胆碱酯酶药 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第五十四条规定,()开展携带品搬运,可核收搬运费。
A. 承运人 B. 车站 C. 铁路运输企业 D. 多经、集经公司 [单项选择]
Americans today believe that acceptable social behavior follows effortlessly from personal virtue. The (1) between morals and manners has become blurred. (2) you need is a good heart, most people assume, and the (3) will take care of itself. You don’t have to write thank-you notes. [单选题]转场调车时,为保证调车车列的制动力,遇到情况能及时停车,带车数在( )必须按《车站行车工作细则》规定连结一定数量的软管。
A.10辆及以上 B.10辆及以下 C.11辆及以上 D.11辆及以下 我来回答: 提交