Until recently, the Louvre, France’s iconic
museum wouldn’t have dreamed of rolling out the red carpet for international
partygoers, however rich, avowing food and drink to be served in a gallery. Fund
raisers may be standard practice at American museums, but then no American
museum is like the Louvre which has served as the state-funded bastion of high
culture in France for much of its 800-year history. A succession of French Kings
built their art collections there, and in 1793, shortly after the French
Revolution, it was turned into a museum that is now easily the most popular in
the world. Last year it drew 8.3 million visitors-more than a million of them
American. But times are changing, state funds are tight, and the Louvre has an ambitious director named Henri Loyrette, who is seeking to pull the A. the system that runs the Louvre has already been backward. B. some artistic works in the Louvre have been too old-fashioned. C. the outside world should be allowed to have access to the Louvre. D. the Louvre needs transformation. [单选题]消防人员在有毒区域进行侦察、排险、灭火等行动时,应以( )为单位,不可单独行动。(易)
A.2~3人 B.分队 C.班 D.小组 [单选题]直通旅客列车始发站的票额,按( )的比例,供上网异地发售使用。
A. 硬座不少于10%、卧铺不少于15% B. 硬座不少于15%、卧铺不少于20% C. 硬座、卧铺均不少于10% D. 硬座不少于15%、卧铺不少于10% [单选题]石灰岩岩心外表面上肉眼看不见含油,荧光滴照见显示,含油级别为()。
A.油斑 B.油迹 C.荧光 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]1型糖尿病人的主要死亡原因是
A. 酮症酸中毒 B. 严重感染 C. 高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷 D. 心脑血管病变 E. 糖尿病肾病 [多项选择]下列属于垂直管理的机关是()。
A. 公安局 B. 国税局 C. 人民银行 D. 审计局 [多项选择]下列说法正确的是
A. SAH最常见病因为动静脉畸形 B. 明确SAH诊断后,应行DSA查明病因 C. SAH病死率高 D. 玻璃体下片状出血是SAH的特征表现 E. SAH患者头痛剧烈 [单选题]安全专项施工方案的专家论证应由( )组织召开专家论证会;实行施工总承包的,由施工总承包单位组织。
A.施工单位 B.监理单位43 C.建设单位 D.建设主管部门 [单项选择]The seller should lodge any claim for this consignment against the sellers( ) 30 days ( ) arrival of the goods.
A. within, in B. within, after C. after, in D. after, on [单项选择]患者,男,55岁,双眼视物成双半月,检查;血压140/85mmHg,韶力右1.0,左1.0,双眼前节及眼底未见异常,角膜映光点在右眼颞侧瞳孔缘,右眼外转不能过中线。同视机检查OS注视L-3°|+17°|+30°R。患者最近有口渴,多尿,消瘦病史,空腹血糖11.2mmol/L,则最佳治疗方案()
A. 控制血糖,营养神经 B. 激素+抗生素 C. 手术矫正斜视 D. 三棱镜治疗 E. 药物治疗,3个月后手术矫正斜视 [单选题](单选题)通常采用的印刷四原色是()。
A.CDYK B.CMYK C.CMLK D.CMKN [单选题]隔离负荷开关、隔离开关(刀闸)、跌落式熔断器巡视的主要内容:(____)有无裂纹、闪络、破损及严重污秽。
A. 动触头 B. 绝缘件 C. 螺栓 D. 静触头 [多选题]烟热环境模拟训练的要求( )
A.特勤队员着避火服,做好个人防护; B.空气呼吸器压力不得低于25MPa,烟热室温度控制在55~60℃; C.训练中不得摘下面罩 [判断题]变压器中性点电容隔直/电阻限流装置退出前,应合上中性点电容隔直/电阻限流装置接地闸刀
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以客户为中心的平台化运营转型, 高阶段主要做什么?( )
A.客户场景运营 B.中心一级的运营 C.内容与应用运营 D.流程服务运营 我来回答: 提交