From the health point of view we are
living in a marvelous age. We are immunized from birth against many of the most
dangerous diseases. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by
modern drugs and surgery. It is almost certain that one day remedies will be
found for the most stubborn remaining disease. The expectation of life has
increased enormously. But though the possibility of living a long and
happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible
slaughter of me A. ironical B. critical C. appealing D. militant [简答题]金融机构破产和解散时,客户身份资料和客户交易信息如何处理?
[单选题]腮腺肿瘤最常见的是:( )
A.黏液表皮样癌 B.多形性腺瘤 C.Warthin瘤 D.腺样囊性癌 [单选题]380/220V 电缆线路主干线截面应不小于( )mm2。
A.240 B.150 C.120 D.70 [单选题]各项施工、维修作业要采用( )作业的方式,综合利用天窗,提高天窗的利用率。
A.垂直 B.平行 C.联合 D.综合 [单选题]甲国的一非政府组织租用的航天器在外空过失与乙国的卫星相碰撞,并造成卫星的损坏,依相关外空责任制度的规定,下列哪个选项是正确的?( )
A.应由甲国承担对乙卫星造成损害的赔偿责任 B.应由该非政府团体直接承担赔偿责任 C.应由该非政府团体和甲国分别承担赔偿责任 D.应由非政府团体与甲国承担连带赔偿责任 [单项选择]Former First Lady Betty Ford has once again performed an enormous public service by focusing the nation’s attention on a major medical problem-the accidental addiction to prescribed medications and the perilous consequences of combining drugs and alcohol. Mrs. Ford’s courageous admission of her own dependence on Valium and alcohol has created a public awareness which will affect the lives of millions.
It is estimated that one in every five women may be accidentally addicted to her medications. Legally prescribed drugs, taken in dangerous combinations or with alcohol, are causing greater physical damage and death than any of the illegal drugs generally associated with drug abuse. Prescription drugs have now become the mainstay of medical care. A staggering number of medications have been developed to treat pains and discomforts of every kind and almost without exception they all affect the brain to some degree. Depending on the user’s physical or emotional state, metabolism, h A. children B. old people C. women D. men [单选题]A321飞机按压FAP()键可以取消紧急撤离呼叫的声音
A.EVAC B.RESET C.CMD [单项选择]1岁男孩,发热、咳嗽3天,不喘。双肺少量中小水泡音。胸片示双下肺野点片状阴影,可能诊断
A. 青霉素 B. 红霉素 C. 20%甘露醇 D. 肾上腺皮质激素 E. 西地兰 [判断题]进路排列完成后,不可将进路内放的道岔进行封锁/单锁操作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]公司外来人员进入库内,需有公司员工陪同,必须戴上( ),由陪同人员代领安全帽,离开后,由陪同人员负责将安全帽归还。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人工接地体埋深不宜小于( )m。
A.0.4 B.0.6 C.1.0 D.0.8 我来回答: 提交