Labor force is defined as being the
total number of people who are available to work and earn income. This
definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment, so it
includes employees and the self-employed. Labor is one of the country’s
resources which can be combined with other resources to produce the goods and
services required by the community. Though the size of the workforce relies greatly on the size of the total population, there are several other aspects which also affect it. The age distribution of the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce. If the population has a high proportion of very young people or of those too old m work, then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution. If the population grows rapidly from natu A. the size of population B. age distribution of the population C. national economy D. natural increase [单项选择]小学生的内在自我状态表现为()
A. 没有“内在父母自我状态和内在成人自我状态”,只有内在儿童自我状态 B. 内在三个自我状态都有,只不过有的被压抑,有的内在自我状态会过度表达 C. 内在三个自我状态还没形成 D. 以上都不对 [单选题]调车长接到( )停止邻靠正线一侧的调车作业通知后,应指挥调车作业人员到安全地点避车。
A.调车区长 B.扳道员 C.车站值班员 D.司机 [多项选择]原发性肾小球肾炎的病理分型有()
A. 轻微病变性肾小球肾炎 B. 局灶性节段性病变 C. 急进性肾小球肾炎 D. 未分类的肾小球肾炎 E. 隐匿型肾小球肾炎 [填空题]根据我行呆账核销管理办法,有一类核销类型名称为破产( )年以上类。
[多选题]《治安管理处罚法》规定,违反治安管理行为人有下列( )情形之一,依照本法应当给予行政拘留处罚的,不执行行政拘留处罚。
A.已满十四周岁不满十六周岁的 B.已满十六周岁、不满十八周岁,初次违反治安管理的 C.七十周岁以上的 D.怀孕或者哺乳自己不满一周岁婴儿的 [填空题] 输浆管各部接口应拧紧卡牢,管路应避免( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交