A few years ago, Ann and Walter Taylor
thought it might be time to move out of their New York City apartment to the
suburbs. They had one young son and another child on the way. But after months
of looking, they became discouraged and decided to buy an old townhouse right in
the middle of Brooklyn, which is a part of New York City. To their delight, they
discovered that they weren’t the only young couple to have made such a decision.
In fact, the entire area in Brooklyn had been settled by young families. And as
a result, the neighborhood, which had been declining for years, was now being
restored. Brooklyn isn’t the only city in the United States to experience this kind of renewal. So are Philadelphia and St. Louis. And Charleston, South Carolina, has so successfully rebuilt its old central area that it now ranks as one A. A.housing construction costs continued to rise B.housing was allowed to decay C.many people moved out of the cities D.only old and poor people were left in the cities [单选题]----,发汗量越少
A.劳动强度越大 B.环境温度越高 C.环境湿度越大 D.风速越大 E.活动汗腺数量越多 [判断题]依法推进、综合施策,以制度建设为关键抓手,深化改革、破除体制机制障碍,加快建立新疆特色应急管理体系,着力提升我区应急救援能力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]If we want to feed the world's population in 2050, our food production needs ______.
A. to increase by 30 percent B. an increase of 300 percent C. to increase to 3 billion tons per year D. an increase of three times [单选题]单选题制造单位应当在许可证有效期届满()前提出书面换证申请
A..1个月 B..3个月 C..4个月 D..6个月 [单项选择]与抗原结合后,激活补体能力最强的Ig是()。
A. IgM B. IgA C. IgE D. IgD E. IgG [简答题]试述HXD3型电力机车坡道过分相绝缘的操纵方法。
[单选题]自动过分相地面磁感应器检测周期为( )。
A.6个月 B.12个月 C.36个月 D.60个月 [简答题]简要论述生产者市场购买的特点。
[单选题]违反公司规定,饮酒、 或服用精神类药物: 属于严重差错。
A.酒精测试超标 B.酒精测试呈阳性 C.≥0.02 克/210 升 D.≥0.04 克/210 升 [单选题]负荷开关用来切,合的电路为( )。
A.空载电路 B.负载电路 C.短路故障电路 [多选题]从业人员必须遵守煤矿( ),严禁违章指挥、违章作业。
A.安全生产规章制度 B.作业规程 C.矿区保安制度 D.操作规程 [多项选择]根据破产法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于破产财产的有( )。
A. 宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产 B. 破产企业的对外投资及应得收益 C. 破产企业享有的专利权 D. 企业破产前,为维持生产经营向职工筹借的款项 [单选题]近代警察是资本主义发展的产物,发端于 。
A.西欧 B.美国 C.英国 [单项选择]根据《工程建设项目招标范围和规模标准规定》,属于关系社会公共利益、公共安全的基础设施项目的是______。
A. 供水供电项目 B. 体育、旅游项目 C. 垃圾处理项目 D. 商品住宅项目 [简答题]冷性断裂的特点:
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列行为中,属于车辆购置税征税范围的是( )。
A.外商投资企业购买一辆小轿车自用 B.车辆经销商待出售的小汽车 C.企业购进用于奖励职工的小汽车 D.外贸企业进口的一辆用于销售的小汽车 [单选题]200~250km/h区段接触线的坡度限界值不超过( )。
A.1‰ B.2‰ C.3‰ D.4‰ [判断题]高处作业应一律使用工具袋。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生产经营单位对重大危险源应当登记建档,进行定期检测、评估、监控,并制定应急预案,告知从业人员和相关人员在紧急情况下应当( )。
A.采取的应急措施 B.及时撤离 C.应对的策略 D.面对的情况 [多选题]手指口呼时应做到?
A.眼到 B.手到 C.口到 D.心到 [判断题] 安静型犬的特点是:大脑皮层神经元的活动能力较强。兴奋和抑制两种神经过程发展得比较均衡,但互相转化较为缓慢和困难。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]细胞因子不具备的功能是
A.调节免疫应答 B.促进抗体的产生 C.促进T细胞增殖 D.特异性结合抗原分子 E.参与超敏反应 我来回答: 提交