WASHINGTON -- considering the serious warnings
lately about Internet viruses(病毒), users may don’t use their machines just to
keep them safe. In reality, common sense and a few basic tips can keep Internet
surfers secure. Anti-virus software is a must, and it should be updated at least once a week to recognize newly viruses. If this is not done, you will meet great troubles. People with broadband Internet connections should have also a firewall. These protect the computer from attacks by hackers(黑客). Then it is time to think about computer habits. Unlike old viruses, which spread only through shared disks, the Internet brings viruses straight to the e-mail box. ff an e-mail with attachment(附件) comes from an unknown sender, or unexpectedly from a known’ sender, it should not be opened. On receiving an unexpected attac A. Because the newly published anti-virus software is more expensive. B. Because the previous(先前的) anti-virus software cannot work any longer. C. Because the inventors of viruses have suggested this idea. D. Because computer viruses are always developing. [填空题]疟疾免疫过程中()免疫最主要。
A.大件行李存放处 B.集装件专用存放柜 C.二等车厢最后一排座椅后空档处 D.动卧列车预留包厢 [判断题]架空光缆时,光缆敷设的曲率半径应大于光缆外径的20倍。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]C++中把数据之间的传输操作称为( )
A. 源 B. 汇 C. 流 D. 文件 [判断题]( )在实际工作正常使用的焦距范围内,可以认为焦距对散射比没有影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于发票的基本内容的是( )。
A. 客户名称 B. 商品名称 C. 工商登记号 D. 联次及用途 [填空题]吸上线( )及( )应符合设计并满足牵引回流需要,外露部分电缆护管应无损伤且( )良好;吸上线电缆沿地面、支柱的敷设必须( )、( )。埋入地下时,埋深不少于 ( )
A. 残疾人 B. 农村剩余劳动力 C. 下岗人员 D. 失业人员 [单项选择]国家煤矿安全监察局下设( )个省煤矿安全监察局。
A. 25 B. 20 C. 10 D. 21 [单选题]B-C-001 3 2 4
根据建设工程项目的招标投标文件规定,参加投标的单位必须提供投标保证金,其额度一般不超过投标总价的()。 A.0.01 B.0.03 C.0.03 D.0.04 [单选题]食品容器、包装材料、食品用具设备,必须符合卫生要求和原则,产品应当便于( )。
A.使用方便 B.牢固耐用 C.清洗、消毒 D.携带使用 [单选题]做好经常性思想工作需要经常(),对问题苗头及时发现、准确掌握、正确处理。坚持以表扬为主,用真理说服人、用真情感染人、用真实打动人。
A.主动帮 助解决实际困难和问题 B.分析指战员现实思想 C.尊重指战员合法权益和合理需求 D.做好个别人员的滚动排查 [单选题]下列腹水检查结果哪项对诊断结核性腹膜炎有重要意义?( )。
A.腹水相对密度为1.016 B.腹水葡萄糖小于3.4mmol/L C.腹水腺苷脱氨酶活性增高 D.腹水蛋白含量30g/L [单选题]铁路运输的优点有( )。
A.投资低 B.建设周期短 C.运输能力大 D.能耗较高 [单选题]灯显设备故障时,应停止调车作业,重新布置安全事项后,由( )通知调车领导人、机车乘务组、调车人员,改用调车手信号作业。
A.调车区长 B.调车长 C.车站调度员 D.车站值班员 [单选题]胸部后前位重点观察肺( )
A.深吸气后屏气曝光 B.深呼气后屏气曝光 C.平静呼吸下屏气曝光 D.缓慢均匀连续浅呼吸 E.平静呼吸下不屏气 [单项选择]
Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are (1) and serf-conscious; that is, they are (2) concerned with their own appearance and actions. (3) thoughts are (4) occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making [单选题]对分动外锁闭道岔,连接轨枕的托板与两基本轨轨顶面的延长线相平行,托板两端及两托板的高低偏差应不大于()。
A.5mm B.8mm C.10mm D.15mm [判断题]( )组装牵引电机和轮对时,要打好止轮器,使用垫物要垫牢。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电流表和电压表串联附加电阻后,电压表能扩大量程。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有效氧化钙的计算式是()。
A. CaO%+R*SiO2% B. CaO%-R*SiO2% C. SiO2%+R*CaO% D. SiO2%-R*CaO% 我来回答: 提交