Brazilian fixed {{U}} (19)
{{/U}} operator Brasil Telecom is betting that its newly {{U}} (20)
{{/U}} Brt GSM mobile arm will obtain a high degree of customer
{{U}} (21) {{/U}} and maintain a chum rate of less than 12%, half the
industry average, company executives told press on Tuesday. Brasil Telecom GSM
is launching a {{U}} (22) {{/U}} strategy, known as Pula-Pula, which
{{U}} (23) {{/U}} every other month of service free until 2010 to the
first 400,000 customers. "The {{U}} (24) {{/U}} approach of Pula Pula will {{U}} (25) {{/U}} us to customer loyalty," Brt GSM general director Ricardo Sacramento said. The company {{U}} (26) {{ A. B.telephone C.line D.telephony [单选题]上色不同不属于( )的区别。
A.土陶与釉陶 B.陶器与瓷器 C.白瓷与青瓷 D.釉陶与紫砂陶 [填空题]电气设备的接地,按其目的的不同可以分为(),(),和()。
[判断题]检查 380V 的交流电动机绕组绝缘时,兆欧表表壳应无好无损;表针应能自由摆动;接线端子应齐全完好;表线应是双根平行软绝缘铜线,且完好无损,其长度一般不应超过 5m。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于前臂支撑拐,下列哪些说法不正确()
A. 测量方法包括立位测量和卧位测量 B. 立位测量:自地面到尺骨鹰嘴的距离 C. 卧位测量;足底到尺骨鹰嘴的距离再减2.5cm D. 两种测量方法测出的长度均相当于从托槽垫的表面到套头的距离 E. 托槽不能太向后,以免压迫尺神经 [单选题]关于甲醇中毒代谢描述错误的是
A.甲醇可经皮肤吸收 B.甲醇在人体中主要是经过肝脏代谢 C.甲醇经过依赖叶酸盐的途径氧化为二氧化碳和水 D.经过呼吸道吸入的甲醇蒸气约有80%被吸收 E.吸收后的甲醇多数从呼出气和尿排出 [多选题]动车组列车在车站办理客运业务时,须( )。(应知应会-《技规》第355条)
A.固定站台 B.固定停车位置 C.固定旅客 D.固定股道 [名词解释]群婚制
A. 18 B. 13.5 C. 9 D. 10 [单项选择] A major sociological theory known as symbolic interactionism offers some important insights into how men and women are taught to fill different roles in society. The key concept in symbolic interactionism is that communication makes a big difference in behavior: people act on the basis of messages they receive from others, and how they understand those messages. This can be seen in a concept developed by sociologist Charles Horton Cooley known as the looking-glass serf.
By the looking-glass self, Cooley meant the self-image that each of us develops according to the messages we receive from others; we think and behave according to our understanding of those messages. If, for example, a young girl is repeatedly told that she is pretty, she will come to believe that: (1) she is in fact pretty, and (2) being pretty is an important thing in her life. Similarly, if she is told that she is not good (or not expected to be good) at certain things such as math, she will come to believe th
A. Unconcerned. B. Doubtful. C. Cautious. D. Approving. 我来回答: 提交