There is no question that raising
teenagers is a challenge no matter how many parents are living in the home.
Particularly challenging are the ages between 12 and 16,which are marked by mood
swings, defiant attitudes, and attempts to push the limits set by their parents.
During this time, teens are trying their hardest to gain adult independence,
which is a normal part of the natural growing process. So, we accept this as a time to help them learn lessons and find their way to adulthood, despite the fact that it sometimes makes us feel like we are raising aliens from another planet! Two parents in the household can be a definite plus during these years, especially if both are healthy and loving. In single parent homes, a healthy and loving atmosphere is also a key ingredient to raising responsible teens. Also, teens are often A. To teach the single parent how to raise teens successfully. B. To show how difficult it is to raise teens. C. To show to the children that following different rules in different homes is helpful for their future work. D. To show the single parent that he or she should make friends with the other parent. [单选题] 甲盗窃了一辆50余元的自行车,3天后又盗窃了一辆100余元的自行车,对甲违反治安管理的行为,应当()。
A. 分别作出治安管理处罚决定,合并执行 B. 甲的行为是连续盗窃行为,作一个治安管理处罚决定 C. 法律没有明确规定,难以处理 D. 以上都不对 [多选题] 倒闸操作的类别有()。
A.监护操作 B.单人操作 C.检修人员操作 [多选题]初期的人民公社带有浓厚的(.色彩
A.平均主义 B.封建主义 C.军事共产主义 D.原始农村公社 [单项选择]离心鼓风机的原理是将利用高速旋转地叶轮产生的()将气体加速,使动能转化为势能。
A. 重力 B. 万有引力 C. 向心力 D. 离心力 [单项选择]下面哪个不是RSA密码体制的特点______。
A. 它的安全性基于大整数因子分解问题 B. 它是一种公钥密码体制 C. 它的加密速度比DES快 D. 它常用于数字签名、认证 [单选题] 新时代中国特色社会主义发展的战略安排是( )。
A.从全面建成小康社会,到基本实现现代化,再到全面建成社会主义现代化强国 B.从贫困到温饱,再到小康 C.从温饱到小康,再到共同富裕 D.从总体小康到全面小康,再到共同富裕 [单选题]道岔轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,Vmax≤120km/h的正线及到发线轨距作业验收的容许偏差管理值为( )。
A.+3、-2mm B.+4、-2mm C.+5、-2mm D.+6、-2mm [多选题]接入高压配电网的分布式电源,并网点应安装()的开断设备,电网侧应能接地。
A. 易操作 B.可闭锁 C.具有明显断开点 D.可开断故障电流 [判断题]展期应征得原合同所有担保人同意,包括保证人、抵押人、出质人,并应将所有担保人一并列为当事人签订展期协议。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在层面选择、频率编码、相位编码梯度磁场之间()
A. 层面选择与频率编码间可以互换,相位编码不行 B. 层面选择与相位编码间可以互换,相位编码不行 C. 频率编码与相位编码间可以互换,层面选择不行 D. 3种梯度磁场间可以互换 E. 3种梯度磁场间不可以互换 [多选题]关于重新印发《南昌铁路局恶劣天气下客运组织应急预案》的通知(南铁客[2017]10号),遇有恶劣天气时,列车长应立即()。
A.向邻近车站、所在地铁路局调度、段值班室报告 B.组织好旅客出站作业 C.列车长全面组织并加强车厢巡视,检查督促各工种工作落实情况。 D.组织召开“三乘”会议,强调防寒、防滑措施的落实,明确分工 我来回答: 提交