The post-war explosion in the use of
detergents (清结剂) was a prime cause for the deteriorating (恶化) condition of
Thames twenty-five years ago. Between 1951 and 1961, detergent use increased
three times. A tragic example of the results of this was when a man drowned
because, though help was at hand, the would-be rescuers could not see him
through the mass of foam. Previously, detergents had been of vegetable origin and caused no trouble. The new "hard" (technically, non-biodegradable 不能分解的) detergents contained elements which could not be degraded in the treatment plants sewage (污水) works. These detergents decreased the efficiency of plants by an estimated 30 percent. So when the waste water from the works was sent into the river, it still contained much "hard" detergent, which foamed or spread on the surface and greatly r A. the similarity of specialists to doctors B. the comparison between the river and the patient C. how healthy the Thames is D. the ways specialists monitor the Thames [单选题]根据增值税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,属于免税项目的是( )。
A.养老机构提供的养老服务 B.装修公司提供的装饰服务 C.企业转让著作权 D.福利彩票的代销手续费收入 [单选题]当过电流使熔丝熔断时,断口在熔管内产生电弧,熔管内衬的消弧管产气材料在( )用下产生高压力喷射气体,吹灭电弧。
A.电场 B.电压 C.电弧 D.电流 [多选题]管好用好装备主要是()
A.A、抓好爱装管装教育 B.B、提高装备操作使用能力 C.C、加强装备日常管理 D.D、做好信息登记统计 [单项选择]下列情形中,属于三级医疗事故的是造成病员()
A. 残废或者严重功能障碍 B. 残废或者功能障碍 C. 残废 D. 严重残废或者功能障碍 E. 严重残废或者严重功能障碍 [多项选择]影响金-瓷结合的重要因素是
A. 金属表面未除净的包埋料 B. 合金基质内有气泡 C. 金-瓷冠除气预气化方法不正确 D. 金属基底冠过厚 E. 修复体包埋料强度的大小 [单选题]高处作业是指凡在坠落高度基准面()及以上,有可能坠落的高处进行的作业。
A.1.5m B. 2m C. 2.5m D.3m [单选题]高压设备带电作业,对属于供电调度管辖的设备,作业结束后,值班员要向()请求消除带电作业命令,由供电调度给予消除作业命令时间,双方记入作业命令记录中。
A.段调度 B.牵引所工长 C.供电调度 D.工作领导人 [填空题]在站内线路上施工时,应使用( ) 防护。
[判断题]老年人户外活动减少,由皮肤形成的维生素D量降低,易出现维生素D缺乏而影响钙、磷吸收,出现骨质疏松症,救维生素D的RNI为5μg/d。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 采用人工体外心脏按压法时,要有耐心,不能间断,且尽量坚持( )以上。
A.0.5 h B.1 h C.3 h D.6 h [判断题]“道路自信”是一个国家、一个民族发展中更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生溢流的主要原因有( )。
A.起钻时井内未灌满钻井液 B.钻井液密度不够 C.过大的抽汲压力 D.循环漏失 [填空题] So what is multimedia The answer is neither simple nor easy. Multimedia is the (36)_________of computer and video (37)_________. Multimedia really just two media sound and pictures, or in today’’s term, audio and video. Multimedia itself has its (38)_________aspects.
By now you should agree that multimedia isn’’t any one thing but a (39)_________ entity that involves the many things: hardware, software, and the (40)_________ where they meet. But we’’ve forgotten the most important thing that multimedia involves; you. Yeah, sure. With multimedia, you don’’t have to be a passive (41)_________. You can control. You can (42)_________. You can make it do what you want it to do. It means you can tailor a multimedia (43)_________to your own needs. You can cut through the chaff and dig directly into the important data in a report (44)_________________________.
That’’s (45) _________________________. What does multimedia do It presents information, shares ideas and elicits emot
[判断题]易燃液体、遇湿易燃物品、易燃固体不得与氧化剂混合储存。具有还原性的氧化剂应单独存放。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()主要是面向新体育教师进行的培训。
A. 岗前培训 B. 学位课程培训 C. 院校培训 D. 校本培训 [单项选择]关于鼻和咽的解剖,哪个是错的()
A. 自鼻孔至鼻后孔的距离相当于鼻翼至耳垂的长度 B. 鼻腔分为鼻前庭和固有鼻腔两部分 C. 鼻中隔多数偏向左侧 D. 鼻中隔后部存在丰富的血管网,称Little区 E. 约90%的鼻出血发生在Little区 [判断题]现行《中国人民银行反假人民币奖励办法》规定,公安机关不得把几个假币案件合并后,向人民银行申请奖励费用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
A. 存货的抵减项目并单独列示 B. 在流动负债类下设项目反映 C. 存货 D. 计入“预提费用”项目 [单项选择]实物国债(无记名国债)是一种具有标准格式的纸制印刷债券。此类债券(),可上市流通。
A. 不记名、可挂失 B. 不记名、不挂失 C. 可记名、不挂失 D. 可记名、可挂失 我来回答: 提交